I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health,
just as your soul prospers” (NASV).
In 1979 I was told I had cancer. When I read these
words, I knew God spoke directly to me. I heard my name placed after
“beloved”. I was His beloved. I clung to this verse, and I read
again and again that He wished for me to thrive and be in good
health. My mind focused completely on these words, and I made the
decision that fear was not going to claim my thoughts any longer. As
I read and studied the Word, I learned that God had not given me a
spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. I learned that
His love perfected in me casts out all fear. I realized that this
verse in 3 John 2 was my direction to be perfected in His love. If my
soul grew and thrived in my knowledge of Him, my whole being would
thrive, too. I saw this verse as a promise for me. He wanted me to
prosper and be in good health. I read the second half of the verse
“even as thy soul prospers”. I needed to put down roots and
spiritually prosper. I needed deep spiritual roots to know good
spiritual health. So my journey to know Him better began.
When your soul thrives and prospers, His promise is for
healing for whatever your need. Your soul thrives out of love for
Him, and in return you prosper and discover His health. With
spiritual growth, you can believe in God’s healing even when you
haven’t experienced it, because with a prospering soul, God bestows
greater faith to believe. With greater faith you also learn that the
healing your mind envisions may not be what God has for you. But it
is always for your spiritual best and growth. It is always for His
purpose in your life. Because you have prospered spiritually, you can
know His peace in the midst of any storm that comes. His perfect love
does cast out fear. If you are struggling, latch on to this verse and
let it take root in your soul. Study His Word. Seek His truth and
purpose. Pray for understanding and wisdom. Grow, and began your own
journey. You will realize that with spiritual growth comes your own
promise of healing, and the peace to handle whatever life brings.