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Friday, May 31, 2019

Thriving Faith

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prosper. —3 John 2 (KJV)

Many years ago, I discovered this verse. I had just found out that I had cancer, and God spoke these words directly to my heart. The Lord placed my name after beloved. I was His beloved. He wished for me to thrive and be in health! My mind focused entirely on these words, and I believed they were His promise for me! 

Now years later, I understand how important the second half of the verse is. It reads, “even as thy soul prospers.” With spiritual growth, my soul prospers, and my mind renews. With a thriving soul, God bestows greater faith to believe. I think differently. I see life differently. I trust in what my natural mind says is impossible. I can believe for God's healing even when I haven't yet experienced it.

Are you facing a difficult situation in your life? Perhaps you suffer an illness which claims your days. God wishes above all things that you prosper in Him and be in good health. When you were born again by His Spirit, you received in your spirit all of His righteousness. You became new, but it takes your soul—your mind—blossoming in His truth to believe who you are in Jesus. When your soul thrives, and your mind transforms to His truth, you grow to understand what His truth reveals. Faith flourishes.

Decide to believe that Jesus, your wounded healer, has healed you. Although you don’t feel it, choose to believe—again and again. Be renewed by His power in your soul and mind. Hope will spring up, and faith will grow. You soul will thrive, and you will know His promise for you.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Stand in His Peace

Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.
—Psalm 112:4 (NIV)

If you struggle in darkness or with circumstances beyond your control, you will not remain in that darkness forever. Light will dawn. His promise will come. He will bring you out of that hole. His light will guide you safely through your battle—your turmoil—your pain—to His healing peace.

“Such people will not be overcome by evil,” the psalmist continues. “Those who are righteous will be long remembered. They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them. They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly” (Psalm 112:6-8, NLT).

You received the righteousness of Christ when you were born again in His Spirit. These verses declare that those who are righteous do not fear terrible news. Trusting in God makes them fearless and able to stand. When you belong to Jesus Christ, the evil of this world will not overcome your faith. Your faith may be as small as a mustard seed, but its strength can flourish amid hardship. It would be fantastic if you lived in a world where you only experienced good things. But you do not need to fear what is terrible. Remember, God is not the author of evil. Cruel circumstances are a part of living in a fallen world. God will take care of you. You can face whatever happens. You can stand confidently and fearlessly in spite of it. 

“To all who mourn in Israel, He will give a crown of beauty for ashes,” Isaiah imparts, “a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory” (Isaiah 61:3, NLT).  

Righteousness which plants you deeply like a great oak is not yours. Jesus’ righteousness in you produces a strength that replaces devastation with His beauty. His righteousness does not come from being good or self-effort. It is a gift that He gave you. It cost you nothing. It cost Him everything.  

Allow Him to plant you deeply in His grace and truth. His blessing will rise from that which tries to destroy. Festive praise instead of despair will inspire you. Not only will you rise from the ashes in His power and promise, but you will also remain powerfully planted in His purpose. Nothing that comes against you will defeat you. 

Jesus bought you peace with God. That is the only peace you need. Stand in it.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

No Matter the Storm

In my distress I prayed to the Lord, and the Lord answered me and set me free.
—Psalm 118:5 (NLT)

Sometimes the pain is too much, Lord. Too heavy. Beyond anything I have ever known. Breathing is like a sharp knife impaling my lungs. There seems to be no way to turn away from this distress. It is constant and consuming and overwhelming. You tell me that you are my protector, and yet I struggle for relief. You remind me that you are my refuge and my shield, and yet my heart dreads each moment. All I see and feel is the pain, and all I long to see and feel is you, Lord.

But you, O Lord, are a shield around me—my rock, my fortress, the power that saves me. I choose you over any fear. You are greater than my pain.  I choose to dwell on your Truth and Grace instead of what I feel.You not only deal with the pain, but you are my shield from its ability to cripple my heart. Jesus, you tell me that I am free in your love. Your Word is my promise, and you keep me in perfect peace when I choose your Word over my feelings. 

Here in my pain and distress, I cry out to you. I choose you. I choose prayer. I choose to trust you. You answer, and set me free from this pain’s ability to control my mind. Nothing that comes against me will have control over me when I trust you. I love you, Lord, with every breath and every heartbeat—with all myspirit, soul and body. And you will keep me in perfect peace no matter the storm. This is your promise to me, your child.

© 2018 Lynn Lacher

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Believe in Him

Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again. God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful.
—1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (NLT)

When we try to be holy without the power of the Holy Spirit, our work to live holy becomes self-effort. It becomes self-righteous. Our work to change defeats us. Only the God of peace can make us holy in every way. We cannot see God as the Old Testament God of law and judgment. God became the God of peace when Jesus died to pay our debt and opened the way into His presence. Now we can run to Him with our failures. The Holy Spirit empowers the change in our minds only He can make. He guards our spirits which received His righteousness when He saved us—our souls which He renews with His power—our bodies which live what renews in our minds.

When the multitudes miraculously received food, the only necessary work Jesus told His disciples was to believe in God who had sent Him. Believe in God! Belief is a powerful tool. It is the faith that Jesus changed us when we accepted Him into our hearts. He exchanged His righteousness for our sins. Is there any greater love than this grace? But for us to believe that we received His righteousness, we must be renewed in the spirit of our minds. 

This is our part —to surrender our spirits, souls, and bodies entirely to God's grace working in our lives. He sanctifies us completely. He calls us continually to come to Him—to rejoice with Him—to feast in His presence. Jesus is the fullness of joy, and any work that flows from that fullness is His! Only He changes us. He is faithful! He can't turn away from His grace on Calvary. It is finished and completed for all time.

Believe in Jesus. He believes in you and died for you. Believe in who He says you are—not the failure you think you are. See yourself as Jesus sees you. You will know the greatest joy that once you were a sinner, but Jesus has forgiven you with love beyond anything the natural mind can grasp. And you will be changed in the spirit of your mind. His power will renew you. His grace will transform you. You will have a revelation of the precious price of Jesus' love. And you will never be the same.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

Monday, May 27, 2019

A New Normal

         My natural inclination is to be sad and somewhat melancholy. However, when Jesus changed my heart, He imparted new spiritual eyes to see with His Spirit. And with those new eyes, He conveyed the ability to believe in what my natural mind thinks is impossible.

         Walking by faith and not by what I see with my natural eyes and reason with my logical mind, increases my ability to believe in what I normally never could. Exercising faith is something that I consciously render. When I consistently apply faith to circumstances in my life, I am changed and renewed in my mind. The Holy Spirit reveals what my natural mind could never understand—the miraculous depth and life-changing power of God’s truth and grace.

         My spiritual inclination is the opposite of my natural one. The spiritual sees the possibilities and opportunities for God to be exalted.  I might be hopeless in the natural, but as I choose to walk by faith in the Spirit, the mind of Christ replaces my logical mind. My attitude changes. Seeing a glass half full instead of half empty becomes my new normal.

         Jesus has a new normal for you—where fear no longer controls your life—where peace is consistent. When you choose to walk by faith—to be changed by His Spirit, your thoughts change. You spiritually receive His truth and grace. You have new eyes to believe what you once thought impossible. “You live by believing and not by seeing” (2 Corinthians 5:7, NLT). 

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

Friday, May 24, 2019

Fires Your Faith

These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.
—1 Peter 1:7 (NLT)

Fire tests and purifies gold. Trials do the same. They test and refine our faith. They examine and rid of us of things that separate us from experiencing God's grace. Circumstances, which create fear, can impart greater faith instead of creating panic. When we surrender our emotions to the Holy Spirit, fear surrenders to faith. When we remain focused on God instead of our circumstances, faith strengthens, and peace guards our thoughts.

Have you ever considered your faith as being precious?  It is invaluable. Jesus shed His priceless blood so you might experience its power. When your faith remains strong through many trials, it is not only reinforced but also purified of emotions such as fear and worry. The Holy Spirit controls feelings that once tore you apart. Instead of running away, you are resilient—peacefully able to face whatever lies ahead.

Whatever you face today, allow it to fire your faith—not defeat you. You can experience His perfect peace during any storm. Not only will your faith increase, but you will also experience His love in ways you never imagined. One day when you see Him face to face, you will rejoice as never before! The years that fired your faith were worth it all!

© 2018 Lynn Lacher

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Never Forsaken

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.
—Deuteronomy 31:8 (NIV)

Do discouragement and despair rule your moments? Do you feel deserted and alone? Many face feelings of betrayal and rejection. No matter how rejected or betrayed you feel, there is the unconditional promise of God’s constant presence and abiding love. He never betrays or rejects His children. There is no change in His love and steadfast care. He is your rock that goes before you to protect you from what lies ahead. He will remain with you. He will never leave you or forsake you. 

Don’t be afraid or discouraged. Because you feel deserted doesn’t mean that you are alone. You have your most powerful Savior. God is with you in each moment because of the unconditional love of His Son. At the Cross, you received Jesus. You received His forgiveness and His righteousness. Jesus destroyed sin. You do not need to wallow in guilt or shame—to have feelings of rejection. Jesus paid the price for your sin and took your judgment. What has defined your life is no more. It is over, and His promise is real. You can walk in newness of life because of His grace. You are free of condemnation.

If you wish to experience this freedom, allow the Holy Spirit to renew your mind to understand the miracle of His finished work at the Cross. Whatever comes in life, you will not be afraid or discouraged. You will trust Him. Your shredded heart will heal. His peace and joy will ultimately reign. You will never question if He is with you. You will know. 

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Life Changes

For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.
—Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

Life is not still. It constantly changes. Change means the circumstances you have relied upon or maybe even those you have come to accept, are no more. When things change for the worse, you might grieve the loss of what you thought would last. When they change for the better, you can even have difficulty adjusting to what is new. No matter what happens in life, God is your permanent foundation in this uncertain world. Jesus is your cornerstone of faith. You cannot fear change because He never changes. He is the same “yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). 

His perfect plan for your life always inspires hope and promises His best. Trust Him when the seasons of your life change. Lean on His truth, and apply each lesson in wherever circumstance life places you. When you live by faith in a world that offers no solid foundation, change does not throw you. The power of the Holy Spirit is always available. Claim it, and allow Him to strengthen you with the gift of His peace. God’s powerHis consistencyHis balance in life are yours to exercise every day. You can never ask too much of Him. His provision is constant. Living by faith in His grace provides abundance in everything life brings. 

“‘I am about to do something new,’ the Lord proclaims. ‘See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. Yes, I will make rivers in the dry wasteland so my chosen people can be refreshed.’” (Isaiah 43:19, 20b-21a, NLT). 

Whatever change lies aheadwhatever season comes, God makes a way to provide what you need. His heavenly resources are always available. His river of living water continuously flows rejuvenating your life. You are His child, and He will never forsake you or leave you. Praise Him and receive His spiritual peace. It is His perfect gift for your lifefor you to understand that in whatever change occurs, He has an amazing plan for your life.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Waiting for You

I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.
—Jeremiah 31:3 {NLT)

I know the weight of your pain and the struggle of your battered mind over this thing that pulls you from trusting me. Just let it go. You are like a drowning person who, instead of reaching for the safety of my grace, holds on to very thing that the enemy has decided will drown you. This lie holds you in bondage to fear and keeps you from experiencing the depth of my love. I have sent servants into your life to encourage you. I have sent those who love you with my love and share my truth in love. They pray for you day and night and will never stop until I am able to reach you. I love you with my everlasting love and draw you in unfailing kindness. Please listen. Please, I’m beseeching you. I'm reaching out to your heart. Will you allow me to love you? I’m waiting with open arms. In my embrace you will find peace. Come to me, child, and be free.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

Monday, May 20, 2019

Confident Trust

So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised.
—Hebrews 10:35-36 (NLT)

Do you trust God, or have you lost hope? Without trust in God, you will not have hope. James defines this trust as being "confident.” Are you confident that God loves you and takes care of the concerns of your heart? Confident trust rises from faith the size of a little mustard seed and grows stronger when nourished with the Word through the revelation of the Holy Spirit. 

“Remember the great reward confident trust gives you!" James writes. In Hebrews 10, James goes on to write of the great reward of eternal life that Jesus promises. When life is hard, patient endurance is needed. Knowing your promise of heaven will keep you focused on God’s purpose in your life. And when your life on earth has ended you will receive this reward. 

Do you "get through life" by thinking of your reward in heaven or do you "enjoy abundant life" now?  Abundant life is not everything being in place—running smoothly with no problems. Life is hard, but confident trust in Jesus inspires peace and joy no matter your circumstance. You live abundantly without the enemy stealing your hope and shaking your faith. "The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy," Jesus says. "My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life" (John 10:10, NLT).

You discover a rich and satisfying life through confident trust in God. This trust fuels your faith. Hope always inspires. Peace is constant. Joy always rises. Fear does not shake you. Others don't wound you. You know who you are in Jesus. You understand that abundant life comes from the new life Jesus has given you. There is nothing you can "do" to make it happen. You have confident trust because the Grace of Jesus has changed your whole perspective. You know Him as never before. 

The Grace of Jesus has set you free from the lies of the enemy! Do you know it? His Grace has set you free from fear!  Do you experience it?  "Learn of me," He whispers, "and you will find rest for your soul!"  When you learn about the precious gift of righteousness He has given, you begin to see beyond your circumstance with His eyes instead of your own. You begin to hear His promise instead of worry or fear. Confident trust rises and fuels your faith. The rich and satisfying life Jesus promises is yours.

If you are hanging on by a thread—living with fear—just waiting for heaven, Jesus has the rewards of peace and joy that confident trust promises now. This life is not just a waiting game. It is a springboard for the greatest joy of heaven. His Kingdom lives within you right now. Grab hold of it with confident trust.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

Friday, May 17, 2019

Grace Transforms You

Christ himself has brought peace to us. He did this by ending the system of law with its commandments and regulations.
—Ephesians 2:14a,15a (NLT)

Do you keep striving to be good enough, and then feel condemned when you aren’t perfect? Jesus saved you from the treadmill of never being good enough when He exchanged His holiness for your sin. On the Cross, He ended the system of commandments and regulations, but the mindset of having to earn His love and the need to prove you are good enough didn’t end. Only the Holy Spirit transforms your thoughts and renews you in the spirit of your mind. Only He changes your mindset from a need to prove yourself to a place where you are at peace in Him. Working for Jesus—when it is free of judgment—then becomes service which flows out of His love.

The Holy Spirit changes the way you think when you surrender this struggling to prove yourself worthy and choose to believe that His grace has made you a new creature. When He took your sin, He assigned His righteousness to you. You are saved because He saved you. You can't save yourself by trying to be good enough. You can't make everything right by what you do. The change that affects your action takes place in the renewing of your mind—in the way you think. By faith, you believe that the grace of Jesus has the power to accomplish in your mind what He imparted to you at Calvary.

Suppose we seek to be made right with God through faith in Christ,” Paul wrote to the Galatians, “and then we are found guilty because we have abandoned the law. Would that mean Christ has led us into sin? Absolutely not! I am a sinner if I rebuild the old system of law I already tore down. For when I tried to keep the law, it condemned me. So I died to the law—I stopped trying to meet all its requirements—so that I might live for God” (Galatians 2:17-19, NLT).

Paul said that when he tried to keep the law, it condemned him. Die to a works mentality because it will defeat you. Don't rebuild the old "system"—don't allow who you were before Jesus saved you to determine who you are now. In His grace, you are free from sin’s condemnation because the consciousness of sin was the system of the old law. Jesus’ grace gives you a consciousness of righteousness so that when you sin, you are convicted instead of condemned. You have the assurance that you are forgiven instead of the lie that you can never change.

“This is the only work God wants from you,” Jesus once told the disciples. “Believe in the one he has sent” (John 6:29, NLT). The only work God wants from you is to believe in Him. Have faith to believe that His grace which changed you at Calvary, now changes the way you view Him—that it changes the way you think. He doesn’t judge you. He paid the price for it. Get off the treadmill. Rest in His love and acceptance. Allow Him to work in you, and then He will flow through you in love. You will not be able to contain the gift His has given. It will transform every part of your life.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Fullness of Joy

You will show me the path of life. In Your presence is fullness of joy. At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
—Psalm 16:11 (NKJV)

Lord, my path lies before me. You are always with me. Your peace becomes as natural as breathing as I grow to understand the truth of what your love has given me. When you died for me, you gave me all of you, and you took all of me. Ripping all of my sin, my pain, my fears from me, you gave me your life. Where I was once guilty, I became innocent with your righteousness. My old sinful nature was gone, and I was new in you. At the cross, you poured into me every spiritual supply I would need to carry me safely and abundantly through this life into the next. 

Abundant life is in your presence, Jesus! I have a fullness of joy no matter what life brings. When I accepted you into my heart by faith, you opened up the resources of heaven to me. For many years, I didn’t understand what that meant. I had to allow you to renew my mind—to change the way I think about you. I don’t have to live in fear that I can never be good enough. I don’t have to struggle anymore seeking just one thing to make you love me. You accept me. You guide me. You gently discipline me with your love. Your grace has set me free. 

Jesus, I am humbled and amazed. Peace is your constant gift. I have contentment without an agenda. Joy spills over into the hard days of life. The enemy tries to lie, but his voice fades away. Thank you, Lord, for your sacrifice which saved me from myself and imparted everything I need to stand strong in this life. Filled with joy, I am free in your grace.

I have no debt! I run into your arms without hesitation. You said “no more” to my sin­—to my pain–to my fear. You said it is finished. I have abundant life with you now, and the promise of abundant life with you in heaven. What an honor to know that you sit at your father’s right hand praying for me as I live out my days on this earth—waiting, just as I am, in anticipation for the day I will be home.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Handle with Grace

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love.
—Galatians 5:13 NIV

Dear Lord,

How can we praise you enough for your blessings?  Much of the time, we focus on our own needs or what we haven’t seen accomplished. You do a perfect work each day. Help us to understand it! Open our eyes so that we recognize the work of your amazing Grace not only in our hearts but also in others. 

We pray for those who haven’t experienced the healing power of your Grace to be set free from illnesses which hang on—physical pain that weakens—emotional distress that wounds—despair that can lead to depression. Lord, we ask you to renew our minds and mold us continually. We surrender any preconceived ideas to become the potential you see. All of these and more, we lay at your feet. 

You were broken and spilled out for us. Now healed by the gift of your life for ours, we lay down our needs upon your altar and rise to peace and victory in your presence. Fill us with your power, Holy Spirit, and with humility to handle each spiritual gift you impart with great wisdom. Guided by your care and discernment, your gifts heal a broken heart—encourage a struggling soul—raise a soul to walk in freedom. Your potential is limitless. 

If we focus on the new life you have bought us—on the gift of your Grace—your unselfish love on Calvary—we have the power to serve others from a clean heart without agenda. We can be so changed by your Grace that we honor another person’s need more than our own. 

Jesus, help us to impart your spiritual gifts with respect and care—mercy and compassion. We surrender to your love so that our hearts remain pliable, healed, and empowered by your Grace. You make our surrender the power which heals someone else’s broken heart. Never let us make it greater or less than your purpose. But always as you wish. 

Copyright © 2019 Lynn Lacher

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Your Reflection

So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.
—2 Corinthians 3:18 (NLT)

Whose reflection do you see in your mirror?  Do you see the old person you were before the Grace of Jesus ripped open the veil that kept you from God’s presence? Perhaps you still wear the mask you wore before you believed in Jesus. You don't need to hide in fear of God. The love of Jesus for you at Calvary changed everything. God is not angry at you. He knows you intimately. He is in your spirit whether you “feel” Him or not in your mind. Until you see in your mirror the "new you" He has made, you will not see your reflection as He sees you. And how does He see you? He sees you through the eyes of His Grace—righteous because by faith you asked Him into your heart. Jesus took God's judgment for you. He took your guilt and shame. There is no need to "do" something to feel His forgiveness. He has forgiven you! You are free of that person you were. You are free of the enemy’s lies to destroy your faith. God loves you and wants you to come without hesitation into His presence. He wants you to "be" with Him.

Until this Truth renews your mind, you will never see yourself as He sees you. When you put on the new person He made you at Calvary—when the way you think is changed by the Holy Spirit—when you allow Him to open the eyes of your understanding—you start to see yourself as sees you. Your vision clears. The old veil that has covered your spiritual understanding is removed, and you have clarity. You understand His Grace doesn't judge your performance. It doesn't see the faults you see in the mirror. Grace sees the finished work in you that Jesus accomplished on the Cross. God gives you His Resurrection power to believe.

It is so frustrating trying to change the way you think about yourself. It is so much easier allowing the Holy Spirit to change your perception. "By his divine power," Peter wrote, "God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence" (2 Peter 1:3, NLT). The Lord—who is the Spirit—has imparted EVERYTHING you need to live the righteous life that you RECEIVED when you were born-again in your spirit. When you allow Him access to your mind, you believe by faith that His divine power will change your perception. When you grasp the love of Calvary in your soul, you see the new person He has made you. 

That veil that has hidden His promises from you is gone! The reflection of His glorious image in the mirror will inspire you so much more than your own! Believe and allow Him to love you with the gift of His life for yours. 

©2019 Lynn Lacher

Monday, May 13, 2019

Rest in Me

Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 (NLT)

Child, you love me with all your heart and serve me with all your strength. You try so hard always to offer your best. But you struggle with fear. You battle with feelings of not being good enough. You fight with emotions that rise to shake the faith you have labored so hard to hold on to. You are tired and weary. You have no rest in your mind which constantly fights for peace. You can’t fight for peace, my child! When you choose to let go of your constant questioning and just believe in who I say you are, you will discover rest for your soul. You will know that I am your peace. 

Instead of laboring so hard to be perfect for me, please allow me to teach you the Grace and truth of my life for yours. Quit striving so hard to please all those who judge you. Quit working so hard to be perfect in your own eyes. You can't be renewed in your mind by my Spirit—you can't be set free from your fears—until you receive a spiritual awakening of the freedom I won for you on the Cross. 

Do you really believe you understand the depth of my love for you on Calvary? If you did, you would be free to walk in my peace. You would be free of fears that plague you. You would rest in my love. 

I am your answer. I ask you to let go of all your preconceived ideas about me—all you have been taught—all you have reasoned and analyzed—all that you have understood with only your natural mind. You are new in me—every day—every moment, you are a fresh creation. You will not know it and experience the healing depth of my Grace until you understand in your mind who I say that you are.

You are blameless in my eyes! I gave you my pure Spirit when I took your sins. You need not battle with guilt and shame and fear. There is no penance—nothing perfect for you to do. I did what had to be done. The battle is over. Come and know my love for you. Let my Spirit teach you. You are new. Rest in me.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

Friday, May 10, 2019

Free in His Love

“The Holy Spirit,” Paul writes, “produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things” (Galatians 5:22-23, NLT). 

Nothing can stand against the power of His grace changing your life. The new nature—His righteousness that He ascribed to you at Calvary, gives you the ability to conquer selfishness, fear, anger, bitterness, resentment, rejection, and every human emotion that rages in your mind. All things are possible when the all-powerful God of Grace has made you righteous by taking your sin to the Cross. When you intentionally choose to put on the new nature He has given you, again and again, self is denied. You are able for the Holy Spirit to teach you the truth of His Word. You draw closer to understanding what He has done for you. When your mind perceives that nothing can separate you from His love­—nothing can destroy the work He finished at Calvary, you are changed by His grace. You find peace. You live the fruit He imparted to you when you were born-again by His Spirit. 

Never forget that He lives in you, but He can’t guide and direct your life if you don't allow it. Allow Him be real in you. Surrender to His Grace. You don’t do the work! He does. You choose to put on your new nature. He does the job when you let go and let Him bring forth His purpose.

There is no law more powerful and potent than the fruit of the Spirit guiding your life. When you continually put on your new nature, living the fruit becomes as natural as breathing. You live the Word because you love Him. You cherish the Savior who saved you. The law only exposed sin. It could never make the payment for it. Only His righteousness in exchange for your sin could. Be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Choose faith over fear. When His Grace anchors your life, you have nothing to prove. You are free in His love.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Joy Comes

Praise God in your difficult time, and faith flourishes. Worry turns to trust. Sorrow is lifted. In your most pressing moment you experience His calm. With release of worry and fear to God, your mind is quietened and reassured by His Spirit. Peace then rises from within no matter how dreadful your circumstances—no matter your inability to make things better—no matter what you have been told or heard. You have Jesus alive in your spirit. He owns your heart. He waits to handle the things that you can’t. In the consistent release of your worries to Him, you remain in His peace. When you know all is well, joy comes.

—Philippians 4:6-7

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

Awaken to His Presence in You

    Are you tired of your “old” and trying to discover a “new normal?” What if the “new normal” Jesus has for you isn’t something to strive ...