Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prosper. —3 John 2 (KJV)
Many years ago, I discovered this verse. I had just found out that I had cancer, and God spoke these words directly to my heart. The Lord placed my name after beloved. I was His beloved. He wished for me to thrive and be in health! My mind focused entirely on these words, and I believed they were His promise for me!
Now years later, I understand how important the second half of the verse is. It reads, “even as thy soul prospers.” With spiritual growth, my soul prospers, and my mind renews. With a thriving soul, God bestows greater faith to believe. I think differently. I see life differently. I trust in what my natural mind says is impossible. I can believe for God's healing even when I haven't yet experienced it.
Are you facing a difficult situation in your life? Perhaps you suffer an illness which claims your days. God wishes above all things that you prosper in Him and be in good health. When you were born again by His Spirit, you received in your spirit all of His righteousness. You became new, but it takes your soul—your mind—blossoming in His truth to believe who you are in Jesus. When your soul thrives, and your mind transforms to His truth, you grow to understand what His truth reveals. Faith flourishes.
Decide to believe that Jesus, your wounded healer, has healed you. Although you don’t feel it, choose to believe—again and again. Be renewed by His power in your soul and mind. Hope will spring up, and faith will grow. You soul will thrive, and you will know His promise for you.
© 2019 Lynn Lacher