Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!
—Lamentations 3:22b-24 (NIV)
Scripture takes on a deeper meaning as I study the Grace of Jesus. New Testament verses bring a greater revelation of what He accomplished for us on Calvary. As I look at the impossibility of man to meet Old Testament law by human means, I’m increasingly amazed at the incredible gift Jesus has given us. Once we had no hope, but now we do. Before the Cross nothing we did was good enough; now Jesus has made all things new. Where once approaching a holy God would bring destruction, now, because of His great love on Calvary, we aren’t consumed. Because Jesus exchanged His righteousness for our sin, we are free to approach God without judgment.
Many believers live in fear of the Old Testament God of retribution. They believe He wants to punish them for every mistake they make. They can never live perfectly so they continually strive to reach impossible goals and feel condemned when they can’t. Jesus took the punishment that we deserved and opened the arms of His Father to us. He is our “Abba" father. We have a relationship of the most profound personal intimacy. However, so many believers don’t grasp this. The love of Jesus—His Grace—is the greatest gift in the history of humanity. God loved us so much that He sent His Son to be what we could never be—a perfect sacrifice for our sins. Jesus wasn’t sent to condemn us, but to save us.
Then what does it mean for you to have an intimate relationship with God? When you understand what He has given you at Calvary, you yearn to know more and more. Nothing separates you from His love. You unashamedly run into His presence. You tell Him the worst about you and rejoice with Him over the best. You are always in awe that His compassions never fail. Every morning they are new! His faithfulness never ceases to astonish you. Because of the Lord’s great love, you have Jesus.
© 2019 Lynn Lacher