one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it” (1 Thessalonians
5:24, NIV).
If you are living a purpose-driven life for Christ, there will be times when others do not understand the work you do for Him. They will judge your motives or question if you are really doing what God has called you to do. Don't hinder His work by feeling you have to justify your calling to everyone who offers an opinion. If you try to meet all the expectations of others, you will ultimately fail, and it will bring spiritual frustration. God is the one who has called you and judges your work. Just do whatever He has asked you to do, and the result will be your reward.
Keep your heart humble and pliable in His hands. Realize those who question your calling have their own hurts, pains, and needs. Place yourself in their shoes to understand the reasons that they question your motives. Pray for these reasons to be resolved in their lives. Sometimes it is jealousy because they feel inadequate in their own Christian lives. Sometimes it is jealousy that God has not brought forth their own promise. Sometimes it comes from spiritual legalism. Whatever the problem, don't try to take care of it within your own strength. In any difficulty with another put yourself in his place and pray that his problem with you will be resolved. Sometimes life pulls at you, or a prideful spirit claims your heart. You may drift away from the heart of your calling without even realizing it. God may send someone to you to spiritually challenge your direction and guide you back into His perfect will. When this happens, be humble enough to realize that there needs to be a change in your own perspective and attitude.
The power to follow God's calling and to discern the concerns of others can only come through a yielded and loving life. It can only come by continual contact with God in prayer and purpose. You can't do your work without deep spiritual communion with Him, and you can't put yourself in another person's place without His love alive and well in you. When you understand your calling and live it–when you realize that you don't have to justify it to all who question‒when you pray for those who judge you–when you pray for God to keep you humble –when you have a teachable spirit and are willing to honestly asses your decisions‒when your will is totally yielded to God‒then you are walking in His spirit. You are an instrument to be used at God's discretion. You experience the fulfillment of being in His will, and the flowing freedom of His spirit.
Your purpose is to live a surrendered life. His purpose is to do the work.