“Do you not know? Have you not heard?” I read in Isaiah
40:28-31. “The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the
earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths
grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in
(wait upon) the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like
eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” If I
hope and wait upon the Lord, I will become stronger. In this passage, God is
exemplified as one who is incapable of failure. His wisdom surpasses mine in
every way. God becomes not only the God of power revealed through His creation
(you and me), but also the God of power given to His creation. Through faith He
becomes my Savior.
How do I wait upon Him? By actually exchanging His
strength for my strength. I am to soar on wings like eagles. I am to run and not
get tired. It is evident that my natural resources will not work. Only through
hope and steady growth in Christ can His will for my life be realized. I must
always come full circle-from suffering to hope to faith.
In 1976 we moved from Georgia to Nebraska. It
was cold and miserable. Wind whistled endlessly across prairie hills, and I
longed to go back to Georgia. What I discovered in Nebraska, like my friend
realized years later, that my own road was hard. In 1979 we attempted to move
back South. We explored every option, and the problems that sprang up that year
appeared insurmountable. Cancer, bleeding ulcers, surgeries, selling our home,
moving everything into storage, living in a motel, looking for work in the
South, and the family separated. The list grinds on. The door that was forced
open was finally shut in our face, and I sadly readied myself for another
Nebraska winter.
This was a hard time. I couldn’t see the reason for that
shut door, until six months after it had closed, a new door swung open. A job
for my husband in Mississippi! But not just any job! It was one for which he had
previously been passed over! Within two months, we had moved! I discovered that
God’s ways are not mine, His timing is His own, but His faithfulness is eternal!
I also learned that God sometimes just requires our willingness to trust in His
In Hebrews there are examples of people who hoped,
waited, and had faith in the Lord. They persevered, and they had promises. These
people of faith died without receiving all God had promised them. Their eyes
were fixed upon His real promise–life forever with Him. They did not become
frustrated because their needs and expectations were not immediately realized.
They did not become impatient and just give up because the final promise was so
distant. Each lived and each died without seeing the full profit of their faith
while on earth. Yet, through it all, they believed.
Look at Abraham. He was willing to give up his own son,
just as God was willing to give up His son. In Isaac, the promise that Abraham’s
descendants would be as “numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as
the sand on the seashore”, would be realized. The command to sacrifice Isaac was
the ultimate test of Abraham’s faith. If I’m afraid to trust God with my most
cherished dream, then I should consider this example. Because Abraham was
willing to let God have everything, he received more than he ever thought
And then there is Moses. Moses was not born in wealth and
prestige, but found himself raised by the Pharaoh’s own daughter. When he was
grown, he had to have faith to give up his place in a royal family. He
recognized the passing importance of material wealth, and he chose his own
people. I might be deceived by the lure of earthly prosperity. Moses’ faith
encourages me to look beyond what the world has to offer, and recognize the
eternal benefit that God has extended to His children.
God has given me His promises to have strength to stand
against sin, to be part of His nature, and to mature spiritually. To escape the
grasp of sin, and to be more like Him, I must grow spiritually. II Peter 1: 3-7
explains that I must add to my faith, goodness, knowledge, self-control,
perseverance, godliness, and brotherly kindness. I can’t add these by myself.
Only the Lord supplies the strength for this accomplishment, but I make the
decision to step out in faith.
Do you remember the friend I mentioned yesterday, the one
who had the stroke? She could have allowed her stroke to spiritually deplete
her, but she made her decision to find her strength in Him “When things are
going well,” she said, “we feel we are on top of the world. No mountains to
climb. No rivers to forge. We can go forward with little or no effort. But what
happens when our world begins to crumble away? One day I had everything, a good
job, and a nice place to live. The next day I was laying in a hospital unable to
move the right side of my body. I needed strength to face the days ahead. God
flooded my mind with His promises. His might began to fill my heart with
strength to face the unknown and the darkness of tomorrow. In a few days I
started the long process of recovery. God is so good. My strength comes from
Paul writes in Ephesians 6:10 (Amplified Bible), “In
conclusion, be strong in the Lord (be empowered through your union with Him);
draw your strength from Him (that strength which His boundless might provides).”
Do I want to be effective for God? Do I want
to be productive and an available tool in His hands? Then I must be willing to
grow, to positively face life’s struggles, and to be available for His
My faith in Jesus Christ is more precious than this
world’s most precious metal, so it should be my most valued possession! When
Jesus calls me home to test the value of its worth what will He discover? I
shall either have failed and remained a child, or endured and matured. What I
have within must be tested to see if it is any good. If untried, it becomes
stagnant. Tried, it is refined by the fire of the Holy Spirit. “Consider it pure
joy,” James writes. To face trials with joy? Do I really believe that the
testing of my faith produces the ability to persevere? God wishes me to
understand that it is the joy of the purest kind.