I see that the Lord is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. No wonder my heart is glad, and my tongue shouts his praises! My body rests in hope. For you will not leave my soul among the dead or allow your Holy One to rot in the grave. You have shown me the way of life, and you will fill me with the joy of your presence.
—Acts 2:26-28 NLT
On this day Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, preached to a crowd in Jerusalem. Pentecost had just come, and believers who had gathered, were filled with the Holy Spirit. Explaining to the crowd that these believers were not drunk, Peter quoted from the prophet Joel about the miraculous coming of the Holy Spirit. and then he spoke of Jesus fulfilling God’s plan of salvation for all mankind. Quoting from King David, Peter spoke these words of our Scripture today, which David had prophesized about the Savior of the world who was to come. The words which David uttered generations in the past became words which gave promise to over 3000 who were saved that day in Jerusalem.
David’s words were not only about the Savior of the world. What Jesus accomplished on Calvary was for everyone in the world. If we believe in Him, these words are our promise. Released from the horrors of death, Jesus knew that God was with him. His body rested in hope, and He knew that His soul would not be left among the dead. His body would not rot in the grave. He had been shown the way of life, and He had chosen Calvary. He had said “yes” for each one of us. His work had accomplished God’s promise. His joy was complete. And now Peter offered the joy of this salvation to everyone who heard.
Can you imagine what it would have been like to be part of that crowd that day in Jerusalem? The Holy Spirit swept through hearts. They knew that Resurrection life was the promise offered. They believed, and were saved.
Do you believe this promise is also for you? The Lord wishes to always be with you. You need not be shaken in this world by anything. You can also have hope for not only life beyond the grave, but for abundant life now. He has shown you the way of life. Will you be like one of those in the crowd who believed that day? Just say yes. He said yes for you.
2018 Lynn Lacher