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Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I pray, Lord God, that you would heal all relationships in our lives life that need healing. Teach us that the healing in a relationship starts within a person that can be molded by the Holy Spirit. That should be me, Lord!  I can’t change another person's heart, but I can forgive the one who is angry with me. I can pray for words to say that brings healing to a broken and hurting life. You can show me that one thing that will pull down the strongholds in a life–that one thing that can start your healing. Reveal to me my own strongholds so that I may not judge another for theirs.

Some are so hurt by those they love. They have been injured by painful actions or unnecessary words. Lord, Jesus, it is how I react to those injuries that will bring healing or more division. It is how I pray–it is how I listen to your direction–it is about my will being open to your precious leading–that speaks life instead of death. How I respond to injury and pain caused by others, speaks what I really have inside my heart.  

Lord Jesus, for all who suffer from pain caused by someone that they haven’t hurt, I ask for your eyes, ears, and understanding to see what they are meant to be. Give them your love. For those who have hurt others, and asked forgiveness, and have not been able to mend those relationships, I ask for your love to be greater that the pain of their rejection.  Lord, there is healing in you and you alone. 

Lord, I am on your altar this morning asking for us to be made over… giving you our pain caused by anyone who has injured…giving you bitterness that has taken root… giving you the rejection that pushes us away… giving you the walls we have erected trying to hold back the pain. Take those walls down so you can come in, Holy Spirit, and we can be free to walk in your forgiveness. We can be free to be all you have called us to be. Where you spirit is, there is freedom!

Now we can have healing. Then we will know and really understand the power of your sacrifice and in your resurrection. Only in you is life. May the power of your word and your love create light within our hearts. Today, we commit ours heart to loving those who have held our hearts in bondage. Today, we claim freedom for not only for ourselves, but also for those who have hurt us.

If I trust you to do a work in my heart, Lord, I can know the miracle of your forgiveness. But Lord, I must make the decision, and I must be the catalyst. Praise you, Lord, for your power and love that gives me life today. I step forward trusting believing, knowing, and trusting that the forgiveness I give will be rewarded with your peace and release from the pain that has claimed my life. I forgive.

In His name,

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