“In the beginning the
Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He
existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through
him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life
to everything that was created, and his life brought light to
everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can
never extinguish it” (John 1:1-5, NLT).
Before all else―before
creation―before the
first breath of life, the Word breathed. God was the Word. The Word
was not only with the Creator, the Word was Him. God and the Word
were one. He was its author and life-giver,
its Truth and its purpose. That purpose brought forth His
creation, and nothing came into being unless it came through His
Truth and His Word. His life-giving Truth became substance, and
substance became matter. And His Creation came into existence. His
Word gave life to all that He had created. Into man God breathed His
own life and light (Genesis 2:7). His light now shines in the
darkness, and darkness can never put it out.
Whatever the state of the
world around you―whatever
controls it―whatever you
face in this life―whatever
attempts to strike terror in your heart―His
Word still breathes. His Truth still lives through His Word. His
light still shines. It can never be extinguished. You are His
creation, and Jesus Christ, the light that can never be extinguished,
desires to live in you and to breathe life into your existence. If
you take Him into your life, and live only for Him, His light shines
in you. He becomes your life. That life―His
light―can never
be put out if you continually seek Him and surrender to His will. His
life will live in you forever―just
as His Word will live forever.
His Truth and His Word,
continually shine in the darkness bringing His light and life to His
creation. No matter what His creation becomes, His Word lives and
breathes and lights the world. It can never be extinguished. Do not
allow darkness to put out the beautiful gift of His life that God has
breathed into you. Let His light shine in you illuminating,
revealing, and promising hope. Jesus Christ, through the gift of His
own life, has overcome the world. Nothing can ever overcome He who
created everything. His Word still breathes
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