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Friday, March 25, 2016

Resurrected by Your Love

“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life” (Romans 6:4, NIV).

Sunday is Easter, and I am reminded that I am free because of your sacrifice for me. I wait in anticipation of its celebration once more! On this glorious day I shall again celebrate your Resurrection from death so that I might walk in newness of life. Today is Good Friday, and it is the day you take my sins to the cross, and everything that is sinful in me is crucified and buried with you so I might be raised into new life with you. I celebrate the moment you personally came into my heart and made me your own.

You are my place of safe retreat. You are my refuge from my own self. I can retreat from others into myself, but I can never hide from myself–from my own failures, my sins, my weaknesses, and my own limitations. I find that within myself there is no relief. But when I allow all of myself to be “buried” with youwhen I surrender all of my lifeI discover that you are my sanctuary. You hide me under your wings until I forget my limitations, and my failures. You hide me until my own sins are washed away and remembered no more. You hide me until relief from my failed life begins to fill my heart. You hide me until the relief of your grace brings great joy. With that great joy, comes freedom and new life.

The emptiness of my past life is buried and gone. The glorious “new” has begun, and greater things are still to come. You have saved me from all I have been so that I might become the best for which you have created me. I am resurrected by your love.

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