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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Have Faith in Him!

Do you ever find yourself doubting God? Do you ever wonder why you have not seen His hand move? “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess,” the writer to the Hebrews exhorts, “for He who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10:23). God is faithful. The problem a person may have in moving from doubt to faith is not because of God. The problem sometimes comes when you have trouble with “unswervingly” believing no matter what your eyes see or your mind dictates. “So do not throw away your confidence,” the writer continues, “it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised” (Hebrews 10:35-36). The confidence you have in God is your level of faith in the His faithfulness. Be diligent in trusting Him and serving Him, and when you have done His will, you will see the need fulfilled and the dream realized.
Suppose you have a checking account with one million dollars. That money is no good unless you use it. If you just let the money sit in the bank, not purchasing or investing, it profits you nothing. The Bible is your checking account, and His promises are waiting in there for you to use. To learn perseverance, you have to withdraw from the account of God's Word. When you study His Word and see how God is directing your life, His promises become real, create faith, and the ability to persevere. His promises do nothing for you if don’t withdraw them, live by faith, and allow them to work in your life.
Faith increases with perseverance. Invest in His Word, and believe in His promises. Your faith will be richly rewarded. Not just a little rewarded, but RICHLY. The Lord has good things for you. He takes care of His own. He will never leave you hungry, wounded, or forsake you. He longs for your faith to grow stronger. He longs for you to trust Him. Here are some of His promises you can withdraw: Matthew 6:8; Psalm 37:4, Philippians 4:19-20; 1 Timothy 6:17; Psalm 23:1-3; Galatians 6:9; Psalm 146:5-6; 1 Peter 4:19, and so many more. Find them, and withdraw them. He has faith in you! Have faith in Him!

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