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Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Greater Faith

“Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ” (Romans 10:17, NIV).

Faith is found through “hearing” the Word of God spiritually. Faith grows in my life through studying the Word and applying it in every moment. The Word covers all situations that arise, and clarifies each decision that I need to make. Without faith arising from hearing and applying His Word, I will falter in my walk. Without it filling and empowering my life, I will ultimately fail.

I pray daily to spiritually “hear” and understand what He imparts through His Word. He is trustworthy, and I must be “faith-worthy” to read His book, and seek His purpose. Faith is the greatest requirement to see His hand move. To have greater faith I need to pray and have that close communion with Him. In that time with Him I learn that I can truly trust Him in every moment and every struggle. I learn that because I trust Him my faith brings forth His work in my life. I can step out in faith knowing that He will provide all that is needed.

Faith is my weapon to overcome all that might come against me in this life. It is power to accomplish His will, and in doing so, learn that He is constant and trustworthy. "Faith without works is dead," James writes. I must reach out in His name to fuel my faith. As I step out in faith, I realize my helplessness, and I turn to Him for power to accomplish what I cannot. When He is my strength, I receive greater faith to believe, and my faith will grow.

Faith is His gift to me. My work for Him is my gift to Him. I know that once I have done His will, I will receive His promise (Hebrews 10:35-36). Greater faith believes without question, and the promise becomes real in my mind and my heart. My faith is greatest when I remain in His Word.

-Lynn Hampton Lacher

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