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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Promise at the Summit

“The Sovereign Lord is my strength! He makes me as surefooted as a deer, and able to tread upon the heights” (Habakkuk 3:19, NLT).

It's another day. You face duties that beckon. Your day may sing with promise, but most likely little problems and irritations will arise. It's life. It's inevitable. Don't dwell on the problems that come up each day. He is your strength and in control. Recognize each struggle for what it is—a lesson to make you surefooted and carry you closer to your goal to walk in His strength and His Spirit. When you climb a mountain and just concentrate on the pain of hardship found in each step, you don’t realize the beautiful reward waiting for you at the summit.

Don't dwell on the emotional pain that hits you when problems overwhelm your heart. That is where you will be defeated. Guard your heart. Regard each problem that arises as a springboard to reach the top. Keep your eyes on your goal, and then as you climb, each step will become another solid foundation of growth. If you consider each step as a means to carry you to the promise at the peak, your climb will not bring despair, but great hope.

What is the promise at the summit of your life? It is the fruit of the Spirit, active, flowing, and defining every moment. It is walking in His Spirit above what the flesh might dictate. It is radiating His love, and extending His Hand. His joy will reign no matter what you face. His peace will calm your heart through hard times. Patience with circumstances and with others will pervade your mind and spirit. Kindness will be the first thing extended before any judgment arises. God's goodness will overflow in your heart, and faithfulness will be the solid foundation of all your relationships. Gentleness shall be the power of Holy Spirit under control in your life, guiding you wisely and carefully in your relationships. Self-control will define your life in all areas. You will have surrendered your life completely to the control of the Holy Spirit.

Does this sound impossible? It is not, or He would have not revealed the promised fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. Each problem you overcome and each step up the mountain will bring great reward. “Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:4, NIV). Persevere and never give up. Don’t allow the circumstances of life to defeat you. The promise at the summit is worth it all.
  Lynn Lacher

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