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Monday, November 28, 2016

I Am Still Me

“Now that I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O God” (Psalm 71:18a, NLT).

What might my loved one say if he was still able to share his heart?  What might your loved one say to you?  

“I may be old. I may not remember as well, but I am still me. I still need love. I still need someone to sit with me and spend time with me. I may not act or speak or think the way I once did, but I still need someone to care. I still need a hand to touch mine. I still need a word of encouragement even though I may not understand it. When you are with me I find joy in your smile. I find acceptance in your presence. Please don’t feel uncomfortable with me. If I could hug you I would. If I could talk to you about life I would.  If I could understand the pain of loss in your voice I would. Sometimes I feel so alone in my world and so afraid. But then I feel your hand on my arm and I know you are with me and will take care of what I can’t. God doesn’t abandon me now that I am old and gray and lost to even myself. I feel Him in your love—in your words and your touch—in the moments that you give me. No matter how lost I may become, I am still me. Remind me of who I am when I have forgotten, and love me through times which may break your heart. As long as you love me, I know who I am through you. I am still me.”


  Lynn Hampton Lacher


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