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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Yield Myself to You

He sent His Word and healed them.
Psalm 107:20a NLT

You came once in a moment
When I was in despair;
You lifted up my broken heart
And called me to share
The very pain which I had fought
Until it was enough
To drive me into your arms
And let you take my cup.

I found it was in giving
That you alone could bring
Joy instead of ashes,
Praise instead of pain;
Hearts healed and mended.
Despite the hurt of years,
Lord, you reached into my heart
And soaked up all my fears.

I heard some news today, Lord,
That in the past caused fear;
But, amazingly, I knew your peace
And that you held me near;
I am not forgotten,
And you are not yet through
With what you wish to do through me;
I yield myself to you.

© 2018 Lynn Lacher

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