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Wednesday, October 13, 2021

His Victory in You


For the Lord delights in his people; he crowns the humble with victory.

—Psalm 149:4 (NLT)



When you humble yourself before the Lord, you receive His grace and power in your life. When you allow the trials of life to change you into His beautiful creation, you invite His presence. Instead of those trials defeating you, His presence inspires you to trust Him more. He crowns the humble with victory. 


Humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor.

—1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)


God’s grace is received in humility. Its greatest revelation is received in humility. When God owns your heart, selfishness is more easily defeated. Pride’s power to control your emotions and feelings becomes less as God becomes more. When your life is about Him, what you spiritually see, hear, and understand is not yours to own. Your life is His, and there is nothing more for you to gain. You are at perfect peace. He is enough. There is nothing to prove. There is nothing to declare that God hasn’t already called into existence. 


When you lay everything down, you become His instrument to use as He wills. When you humble yourself under His hand, He uses you for His purpose—as He ordains. His power is greatest when revealed in humbleness of heart. 


Humble yourself before Him with nothing to prove and nothing but to live who He is in you. Experience His Spirit—alive in you—setting you free from all that you have thought yourself to be. Discover that your true purpose is His to direct and His to own. You are ready for the greatest abundance when you lay down all He has imparted—all you believe He has given you—and allow Him to wash your feet. 


Stripped of all that stands in the way of His Hand upon you, you are unhindered by need or perception or anything at all. He, who became less for you, now has become everything in you. You are His, and you realize that He has brought you to a place of victory that you never imagined. At His feet, you learn what it means to be crowned with victory because He was willing to humble himself for you. You know His joy that no word can describe. 


His presence is enough. Jesus, the hope of glory, is yours.


© 2021 Lynn Lacher





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