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Monday, November 29, 2021




Move the unmovable

Break the unbreakable

God we believe

God we believe for it


—Believe for It by CeCe Winans



We praise God for moving the unmovable and breaking the unbreakable. We tell Him that we believe. But do we?


If we truly believed what God says is true, we would live as if we believe it—without fear—without a doubt. But we can’t live what we say we believe when deep within we hold on to doubt and fear.


God hasn’t given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). A sound mind grounded in the love of God is able to conquer doubt and fear more quickly. The power to exercise faith is available to believe and cooperate with God’s Word.


“If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes,” Jesus said to the father of the demon-possessed boy. Immediately the father of the boy cried out, “Lord, I believe! Help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:23-24).


It is possible to have belief and unbelief at the same time. When we say we believe the unmovable will move but then exhibit doubt, double-mindedness will keep the unmovable from moving. Doubt will choke out a promise and make the unbreakable impossible to break (James 1:6-7). 


God’s kingdom is one that operates in faith. He wants us to believe Him. We can either believe and cooperate with what God says is true or we can believe and live what the world says. We can either believe the opinions of men or the truth of God’s Word. 


We can’t allow what others say or the facts of our circumstances to be greater than what God says is true. But if we don’t know the Word, we won’t know what is ours in Christ. And if we don’t know what is ours in Christ, we will believe whatever we see and hear instead of the spiritual truth God has given us. 


God’s truth always trumps the facts of our lives. We choose to believe God’s truth is greater than anything else. 


Two blind men came to Jesus. 


“Do you believe I can do this?” Jesus asked them.


They said to Him, “Yes, Lord.”


Then He touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith let it be to you.” And their eyes were opened. (Matthew 9:28-29).


According to what we believe we will receive. The unmovable will either remain or be removed.  


Keep choosing faith over fear and doubt. When we choose to believe and cooperate with what the Word says is true, our belief in the promises of God matures. Doubt is more easily conquered. When we know the truth of God’s Word—when we have confident assurance of who we are in Christ, we have the faith to believe the impossible. And…


From the impossible

We'll see a miracle

God we believe

God we believe for it


—Believe For It by CeCe Winans



© 2021 Lynn Lacher


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