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Friday, November 18, 2022

Christ's Victory is Your Victory



What you have received from God in Christ overcomes what you receive from life. Greater is Christ living in you than anything.


What has life thrown at you? Perhaps, you’re struggling to regain your health. Maybe, circumstances have overwhelmed you. Wherever you are right now—whatever circumstances you face, you are never alone. God is with you. And He never leaves you or forsakes you (Hebrews 13:5). He is the constant in your life when nothing or no one else is. God loves you, and Jesus has overcome the issues of your life. 


"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God" (1 John 5:4-5, NKJV).


Any person who believes Jesus is the Son of God is born of God (1 John 5:1), and those who are born of God have the faith of Christ that overcomes (Galatians 2:20, 1 John 5:4). Those who believe Jesus is the Son of God have overcoming victory in their lives. But not all those who believe in Jesus walk in the victory He died to give them. That’s not because they don’t have it, but because they haven’t acknowledged what they have received (Philemon 1:6) and accessed by faith the victory that is theirs.


You believed in Christ by faith (Romans 10:10), and you take God’s truth as your own by faith. You access what God says is true by faith, and you act on it. The believer who lives in peace above the circumstances of His life takes ownership of Christ’s victory and walks in it. He believes Christ has already won his battle and has already overcome his circumstances. He lives with an attitude of overcoming victory. He praises God for what He believes is already His in Christ.


You are born of God in Christ. By faith, you believed in Christ and were born again. You are God’s own child. Your battle—your sin—your illness—your circumstances were defeated by Jesus in His finished work of grace. He is your victory, and you take by faith His victory as your own. 


Keep casting all your cares upon Him (1 Peter 5:7). Don’t hold onto the fearful baggage of your circumstances or loss or pain or illness. Don’t let whatever you face in this world define who you are. The victory of Christ defines who you are. His power is yours. Trust in God’s truth over your feelings, your circumstances, and anything the enemy throws at you. 


Nothing—NOTHING—can separate you from the love God has for you in Christ (Romans 8:39). Believe in your heart what the Word says is true. The Word that God speaks to you is life and truth. Your fears profit you nothing (John 6:63). Don’t trust your human understanding. It can’t discern God’s truth (Proverbs 3:5). 


Only your spiritual mind—the mind of Christ that is yours—can discern God’s truth (1 Corinthians 2:14,16). Be renewed in your spiritual mind by His truth (Ephesians 4:23). Trust God with all your heart. In everything acknowledge His truth in your life (Proverbs 3:5-6). Put on the new nature that is yours in Christ (Ephesians 4:24)—the one that has defeated your fear. Take captive every lie of the enemy. Allow the Holy Spirit to claim your thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5). 


Christ’s overcoming victory is your overcoming victory. You are an overcomer in Christ. This is who you are. When you know who you are in Christ, you don’t see defeat as an option. You see victory where the world sees defeat. You have His faith and His power to receive every spiritual blessing He died to give you (Ephesians 1:3).  

Walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7).


© 2022 Lynn Lacher



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