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Thursday, July 27, 2023

Complete in His Finished Work


 Cast your burden on the Lord,

And He shall sustain you;
He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.

—Psalms 55:22



You are the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ. God never permits the righteous to be shaken, to slip, fall, or fail. Since you have received God’s righteousness, you have His truth and His grace to not be shaken by circumstances. You have received His truth and His grace to stand firm in the face of temptation and trials. Sudden devastation has no power over you when you realize the power of His righteousness that is yours.


But you must release your burdens—your worries—your emotional ups and downs to the Lord to stand in the truth of His righteousness. God will sustain you because Jesus has paid the debt you could never pay. When you only see your burdens and worries and allow your emotions to stand in the way of His righteous power to overcome, you live a defeated life. You don’t see who Jesus says you are. You see the human depravity from which Jesus has set your free. You see the bondage of who you were before Jesus gave you His righteousness.


Never allow who you once were to determine who you are now. If you want to rise above circumstances—to allow nothing to kill, steal, and destroy you—to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh, quit holding on to all the lies that once defined you. Walk in the righteousness Christ has won for you. Walk in the truth of who He says you are. When you received the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, you received the finished work of Christ in your life. It was done. It was finished. 


And that is who you are. You are complete in Him. Cast all that comes against you in this life upon the Lord. He cared for you completely when He gave His life so you could receive His righteousness. God sees the perfection of Jesus when He sees you. His perspective sees only that “it is finished.” His righteousness has done its work. Jesus has finished it for you. When you really believe you have received His finished work of righteousness in your life, you walk in His righteousness and, thereby, crucify the desires of the flesh and the emotional turmoil they cause.


It is a terrible thing to be safe in Jesus and not know it. God never permits the righteous to be moved. He never allows the enemy to have the last word. Jesus had the last word on the cross.  You lack absolutely nothing in Him. Are you complete in the finished work of Jesus? Believe you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.



© 2023 Lynn Lacher finished-work.html





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