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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Right to the Edge

He gave a command to the Red Sea, and it dried up; he led his people across on dry land” (Psalm 106:9, GNT).

At some point in our lives we will face our Red Sea. It will be something harder than we ever imagined. There will appear to be no way through or around it. But just as the Lord parted the Red Sea for His people then–just as He dried it up so they could move forward–He parts the Red Sea and make a path for His children now.

Moses never failed in trusting God. With the sea in front of him and the Egyptians advancing from behind, He stood at the very edge of what appeared to be sure destruction. There was no visible escape. There was nothing but faith in the Lord who had brought them to this place. Moses had done all he could do, and now it was for time for God to act. Moses waited for God to make a way, but he had to go to the very edge of the Red Sea.

When faced with our Red Sea, we sometimes pull back. We believe that there is no way to go further, and we give up. Perhaps we see our Red Sea rising in the distance, and we turn from its imposing presence. But the army of life presses us closer. We must go as far we can―right up to the very edge for God to part the waters and make a way through it.

What will I do when I see my Red Sea ahead? I will go the the very edge and wait for God to part the water. If I do not go to the very edge, I will miss the power of God to strengthen and deliver me. But by faith I go to the very edge. It is not only the edge of my Red Sea; it is the edge of myself. I know that there is nothing that I can do. Believing, trusting, and knowing the waters will part, I will go forward through what otherwise might have destroyed me. And there I will find Him and His peace.

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