“For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest” (Luke 9:48b, NIV).
the last thing I understand in my Christian life is the importance of
taking care of small things. In my heart and mind I may tell myself I
am ready to die for Christ, but then I don't live for Him in the
small details. A real disciple takes care of every area of his life.
He surrenders all in his life which separates Him from God's love–his
actions, his thoughts, his motives, the small details. He makes
himself least so that Jesus might become more.
became the least for me. He made himself the least in His father's
eyes when He took on my sin. He was perfect in every way. Spotless
without deceit or jealousy or hate or bitterness or greed or His own
agenda, He said “yes” to His father's plan for saving my life.
That acceptance meant the perfect love Jesus had with His own father
would be broken, and His father would be unable to look upon the
ugliness of my sin in His own son. But Jesus made himself least and
gave His life so that sin's ability to destroy my life would be
broken. Sin that had forever separated me from God's perfect love was
crucified on that cross–once and for all. From the least He became
the greatest. He was raised from the dead into newness of life for
me. He lives with His father in heaven forever exalted for His
sacrificial gift that promises abundant life now and eternal life
forever. He may be with His father, but I am not alone here on earth!
I have the promise of the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, and empower my
life. Daily He asks me to be least so that he might be the greatest.
All I must do is accept His love that gave His life for me.
Sometimes the last thing I understand in my Christian life is the importance of taking care of small things. In my heart and mind I may tell myself I am ready to die for Christ, but then I don't live for Him in the small details. A real disciple takes care of every area of his life. He surrenders all in his life which separates Him from God's love–his actions, his thoughts, his motives, the small details. He makes himself least so that Jesus might become more.
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