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Friday, May 13, 2016

Dear Lord

“I cry to you for help, Lord; in the morning my prayer comes before you” (Psalm 88:13, NIV).

Here I am again this morning—looking to you—praying to you—seeking your Word for my day—desiring my praise to honor you—longing to be yours in every way—hungering for your presence and purpose—longing to be yours spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically—longing to be healed and made whole completely—yearning to be bathed in your love, and wrapped in your protective embrace. In this morning stillness, I look to you for strength and for fulfillment of your promise.

Lord, create the need in me to seek you with intense passion. Empty out all the fear of losing control. Empty out the fear of unknown blessings. Empty out the fear of failure. Empty out the fear of rejection. Empty out the fear of your calling. Empty out the fear of releasing my will to you. I lay down all of myself this morning. Into the empty chambers of my heart, pour your Holy Spirit fire—your breath—your strength—your power. Rain from on high, O Holy Spirit and fill me with your loving baptism. Joy comes, O loving God, when I let go of all of me—when I completely let go of everything my humanness longs for and my fears destroy.   I await your presence. I await your manna. I await your purpose. I await your indwelling. 

Praise to you, Holy God! Praise—glorious praise as your Holy Spirit brings renewal and freedom!  Praise in the highest as your Spirit imparts clarity of vision and understanding.  Praise to the Lord as all the pieces of my calling and my joy fall into perfect place.

Today is my day, dear Lord, to receive. Today is your day to impart. 

In Jesus,


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