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Thursday, May 26, 2016


“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:1b-2a, NIV).

Always strive
always persevere to fulfill the calling that you are given, and leave the results to Him. The work that He has given you has been designed for you. When you carry it out faithfully and obediently, the result will be what He has planned. Listen to His voice, and follow His guidance. Even those who are wise do not completely understand the purpose that He has designed for you. Often they have enough trouble understanding and following their own. The masterpiece that He has designed for your life is made for you alone, and you are the artist to complete it.

He knows you intimately–your heart–your character–your capability–your greatest potential. When He directs you to do something, it is done with full knowledge of just who you are. Do not allow hardship and circumstance to pull you from your course. They only have the ability to refine you for greater purpose. When you follow Him and give Him your best, the result is glorious and rewarding beyond anything you can imagine.

Move forward in faith and follow the path that He has designed. Be strengthened by His power. Keep your eyes on Him. Run your race with perseverance. He began this faith and this work in you. If you continually surrender your heart and your will to Him, He shall perfect His will in you. You are His artist, and He has birthed a masterpiece in you. Open up your heart; listen to Him, and obey Him. Allow Him to complete you
His beautiful and amazing masterpiece.

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