in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.
-Psalm 92:14 NLT
If you are like me, you
might feel your physical body aging. However, your life can still beat
with His purpose. You can still make a difference in someone's life. Your life
can still bear fruit. It is all up to you to keep your spiritual life vital,
green, and supple in His hands.
To remain
spiritually vital you must abide or remain in Him. “Remain in me, and I will
remain in you,” Jesus told the disciples the night before His death, “for a
branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be
fruitful unless you remain in me” (John 15:2, NLT). The only way to stay green
and supple is to remain in close spiritual contact with God. “In abiding you
seek, long for, thirst for, wait for, see, know, love, hear and respond to a
person,” writes Bruce Wilkinson in Secrets of the Vine. Jesus Christ longs to
have a deep intimate relationship with you—not just
one that scratches the surface of your heart, but one that draws you daily into
His presence. It is a relationship that changes the very core of who you are,
and drives your life into sheer fulfillment.
Jesus is the
vine, and you are the branch. You stay vital and supple when you stay connected
to the source of your spiritual life. If you don't, you dry up and wither away.
“Think about the meeting place of vine and branch,” Wilkerson writes. “Why
would Jesus give us a picture of a living thing whose life force—the sap—is mysteriously out of sight? One
reason could be that, in abiding, what happens on the surface doesn't count;
what's happening inside does.” There is nothing—not age or any other excuse—that
should keep you from the powerful spiritual life-changing force to be found in
surrender to Him. Abiding or remaining in Jesus Christ keeps you vital and
supple for His purpose.
Do you abide and
remain in Him? Do you long for His presence? Do you seek His truth and purpose?
Thirst for His living water? Do you wait for His guidance and answer? Do you see
with His eyes—hear with His ears? Do you understand with His spiritual mind
instead of what your human mind perceives? Jesus' love disciplines sin and
prunes self so His purpose can be realized in your life. Abiding is your
response to His love.
More than
anything, I want to remain vital and green until the day that my life here on
earth is over. When He takes me home, I
want my soul, having just been lifted from His work on earth, to enter heaven
spiritually on fire with His love. My body may wear out, but my spirit can
still sing! It is up to me to keep that connection of branch to vine alive and
filled with His purpose!
© 2017 Lynn
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