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Saturday, November 25, 2017

Treasures in Heaven

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

~Matthew 6:19-21(NIV)

          This Scripture instructs that you should place your treasures in heaven and avoid the pitfalls of earthly concerns. You are to give yourself away in order to later receive something much better. You are to die to self so you can live to Christ. Perhaps you treat God’s biblical truths as nothing more than platitudes, because they call for sacrifice and obedience. If you serve two masters (Luke 6:24), you sit on the fence, unable to give up the importance of earthly things. If you are obstinate, you end up coveting possessions and relationships, which give sensory comfort, instead of seeking an abiding relationship with the Lord, which offers both earthly and eternal fulfillment (Luke 6:33).

How do you store up treasures in heaven? You begin by replacing the demands of the earthly for the expectation of the heavenly. God doesn’t demand anything. He desires you to choose Him. He just waits, expects, and loves, because He always see your potential. How do you find God’s expectations? Love Jesus without reservation. Know His Word. Put Him first in all your decisions. If you submit to His will only for the moment you miss two promises—understanding God’s provision and an opportunity to grow in faith.

Your personal life is where you learn to handle the blessings and the trials of life in a responsible way. When blessings are placed first, instead of Christ, they become earthly possessions instead of heavenly inspiration. Likewise, trials that are not given to Christ (Philippians 4:6-7) rob you of His lesson and His peace. When Christ is the reason for your life, then these things are handled in the proper spiritual perspective.

When you place yourself completely in the hands of Jesus Christ you invest in heaven. The more you reach for His expectation, the less the importance of earthly demands. You learn what it means to walk in His Spirit above earthly possessions or concerns of life (Galatians 5:25). Your life may not appear as someone else has determined it should. But it doesn’t matter. You have traded the earthly for the heavenly, and it is as He has determined.

© Copyright 2017 Lynn Lacher

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