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Monday, June 11, 2018

Be Still

Hello!  The daily Scripture from Bible Gateway was just what I needed this morning. My husband and I leave on a trip tomorrow, and will be gone until the end of the month. If you wish to read more, there are many devotions on my website ( But my devotions are not the Word! His Word is life! Read the Word, and seek Him. Find Him in the stillness.

Be Still

“Be still, and know that I am God!  I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” 
 —Psalm 46:10 (NLT)

Child, you want to know what I have for you, but you don’t take the time to listen. You want to be assured that I am your God, and that I am here for you, but you don’t take the time to know me. Your life is too full of priorities and rules and regulations and judgment and opinions and stuff. In times of calm, you have little need of my voice to soothe and guide you. But when a crisis comes, fear takes over your mind, instead of the peace which I have promised you.

I speak to you in this moment you are faced with this heavy burden. I speak rest in tenderness to your turmoil and strife, but you will never hear me if you keep on striving. You haven’t taken time with me, so you don’t know the depth of my love for you—the constant peace that is my gift. Quit rushing so hard to find peace by creating better circumstances for yourself. It is not my peace! Listen to my voice only, and you will never be disappointed.

Have you forgotten that you are the greatest concern of my heart? I gave my life so you might live. So don’t fear. I will keep you and guard you always—if you will not shut me out. Allow me to love you and carry you. I know your pain, and I am the answer. You do not have the answer. Only I have the answer. But until you let it go, and surrender, there is nothing I can do.

Take time to honor me by placing me first in your life. If you know me, faith will anchor your anxious thoughts. Tired nerves will become rested. So be still!  Stop striving. Stop analyzing. Stop creating scenarios. Stop planning ahead for what you don’t even know will be tomorrow. Seek me. Listen to my love for you in my Word. Know who I am in your life. Allow me to flow through your heart and mind to heal what is broken. Then you will know my peace. Never believe you are at the mercy of the world. You aren’t. You have my mercy, and you belong to me.

© 2018 Lynn Lacher

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