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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Fullness of Joy

You will show me the path of life. In Your presence is fullness of joy. At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
—Psalm 16:11 (NKJV)

Lord, my path lies before me. You are always with me. Your peace becomes as natural as breathing as I grow to understand what you imparted to me at Calvary. You gave me all of you, and you took all of me. Ripping all of my sins, my pain, my fears from me, you gave me your life. Where I was once guilty, I became innocent with your righteousness. My old sinful nature was gone, and I was new in you. At the cross, you poured every resource I would ever need to carry me abundantly through this life into the next.

Abundant life is your presence, Jesus! I have a fullness of joy no matter what life brings. When I accepted you into my heart by faith, you opened up the resources of heaven to me. For many years, I didn’t understand what that meant. I had to allow you to renew my mind—to change the way I think about you. I don’t have to live in fear that I can never be good enough. I don’t have to struggle anymore seeking just one thing to make me perfect. You accept me. Your grace has set me free! Now, Jesus, I am humbled and amazed at your love. Peace is your constant gift. Joy spills over into the hard days of life. The enemy tries to lie, but his voice fades in comparison to yours. Thank you, Lord, for your sacrifice which saved me from myself and imparted everything I need to walk in this life. Filled with joy, I am free in your grace.

Your blood, unselfishly given for me, brings overwhelming peace. In your presence, I find incredible joy. I have no debt! I can run into your arms without hesitation. You said no more to my sin­—to my pain–to my fear. You said it is finished. I have abundant life with you now, and abundant life with you in heaven. You sit at your father’s right hand praying for me as I live out my days on this earth—waiting, just as I am, in anticipation for the day I will be home.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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