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Thursday, January 24, 2019


“Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name”(Hebrews 13:15, NIV).

Praise. It is my offering to God through the gift of His son Jesus Christ. When faced with my most difficult circumstance, I have peace. Praise brings me into His presence. Worry dispells fear. Clarity reigns above confusion. Praising the Savior who brought me new life dissipates fear of the unknown, and holds me safely in His promise.

In praise, I change in the spirit of my mind. No matter how difficult my problem or my circumstance—no matter how fearful my thought—praise always changes my outlook. Praise in the midst of hardship breaks down inner walls. Praise in the midst of fear releases faith. When things are hard—when fear persists—when problems overwhelm, I rejoice that he knows me, and no weapon that tries to destroy my peace will succeed. Filled with a joy His grace imparts, I realize His blessings that sometimes slip by unobserved.

“Why am I discouraged?” David cried out. “Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again— my Savior and my God” (Psalm 42:11, NLT). In the midst of Saul’s attempt to destroy him, David placed His hope in God. He gave God a sacrifice of praise. He had no one else to encourage him to trust God, so he encouraged himself. Jesus has given me something that David didn’t have when faced with his fear. The Savior in which David put His hope was a God of judgment. His Son, Jesus Christ, has taken the judgment I deserve! And now I have an intimate relationship with God. I can praise God through the gift of His righteousness which has changed my life. Joy in my heart which blossoms into praise—no matter what is going on in my life—is the gift of my Savior. And it comes from His Grace.

My sacrifice of praise is NOTHING compared to His sacrifice. Giving God constant praise is a decision that I shall worship Him no matter how I feel or what is going on in my life. As I keep putting on the new nature that I received from Jesus, my thoughts renew until praise comes from a heart that knows beyond anything I imagine or experience that He is faithful to carry me safely through each moment of life. My heart and mind no longer focus on any pain, or any fear, but on His faithfulness and His blessings. I praise Him—knowing that my praise is my promise to give Him glory no matter what happens in my life.

“I will praise you in the great assembly.” David proclaimed, “I will fulfill my vows in the presence of those who worship you. The poor will eat and be satisfied. All who seek the Lord will praise him. Their hearts will rejoice with everlasting joy” (Psalm 22:25-26, NLT)!  

Where David once fulfilled his vow to God, Jesus has now fulfilled His vow to me! Grace flows in praise! Those who are poor in faith will receive greater trust to believe! Their hunger will be satisfied! Those who seek the Lord will praise and rejoice with everlasting joy! Not temporary joy, but eternal joy! His grace shall flow from my life into the lives of others! It is the assurance of Calvary. 

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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