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Monday, May 13, 2019

Rest in Me

Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 (NLT)

Child, you love me with all your heart and serve me with all your strength. You try so hard always to offer your best. But you struggle with fear. You battle with feelings of not being good enough. You fight with emotions that rise to shake the faith you have labored so hard to hold on to. You are tired and weary. You have no rest in your mind which constantly fights for peace. You can’t fight for peace, my child! When you choose to let go of your constant questioning and just believe in who I say you are, you will discover rest for your soul. You will know that I am your peace. 

Instead of laboring so hard to be perfect for me, please allow me to teach you the Grace and truth of my life for yours. Quit striving so hard to please all those who judge you. Quit working so hard to be perfect in your own eyes. You can't be renewed in your mind by my Spirit—you can't be set free from your fears—until you receive a spiritual awakening of the freedom I won for you on the Cross. 

Do you really believe you understand the depth of my love for you on Calvary? If you did, you would be free to walk in my peace. You would be free of fears that plague you. You would rest in my love. 

I am your answer. I ask you to let go of all your preconceived ideas about me—all you have been taught—all you have reasoned and analyzed—all that you have understood with only your natural mind. You are new in me—every day—every moment, you are a fresh creation. You will not know it and experience the healing depth of my Grace until you understand in your mind who I say that you are.

You are blameless in my eyes! I gave you my pure Spirit when I took your sins. You need not battle with guilt and shame and fear. There is no penance—nothing perfect for you to do. I did what had to be done. The battle is over. Come and know my love for you. Let my Spirit teach you. You are new. Rest in me.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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