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Monday, September 23, 2019

My Savior

God is a safe place to hide, ready to help when we need him. We stand fearless at the cliff-edge of doom, courageous in sea storm and earthquake before the rush and roar of oceans, the tremors that shift mountains. Jacob-wrestling God fights for us; God-of-Angel-Armies protects us.
—Psalm 46:1-3 (MSG)

He is my refuge—my place of safety. He is my anchor—my confidence in my time of need. He is all this and so much more. What do I ever face that He can’t and won’t handle? Because of Jesus, I stand without fear. I stand courageous before the unrest of today and the unknown of tomorrow. No storm of life can shake my assurance in Him. My world may surge with circumstances beyond my control, but they are not beyond His. No shock is too great to defeat my faith in His unchanging truth.

He is my Savior. His grace is my gift of righteousness. The same God whom Jacob wrestled, also fights for me. I may feel the wound of failure, but I am not defined by it. I become stronger because His grace reveals His truth to me. I am not a failure. I am no longer wounded because Jesus was wounded for me. Jesus has already won my salvation. My Savior—the God of the angelic host—fights against my enemy. Jesus wins battles that are beyond my comprehension—some of those battles of which I know nothing. But I don’t need to know! The peace of Jesus in my life holds me safely. I don’t fight anything in my past, present, or future. 

I can rest in this truth. Jesus, who won me at Calvary, still fights for me. There is nothing for me to do but believe.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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