“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31, NLT).
What an encouraging promise! When I wait on the Lord, He renews my strength with His power. Even when I am weary, He raises me to soar like an eagle—to walk in His peace and not faint at whatever is before me. I get into all kinds of trouble when I try to move my own mountains. Nothing lasting is accomplished in my strength. In fact, I can make a real mess of a situation if I do not wait on Him. His timing is perfect. His thoughts and ways are accurate. Waiting on the Lord is an essential part of spiritual growth. Patience is a quality that builds a stronger faith.
Anytime I strive for something without the Lord’s guidance and power, one of two things can happen. I will fail or succeed. I either create chaos in what I attempt, or I build something that brings glory to myself instead of God. Chaos brings failure and frustration. Building something that brings glory to me is self-righteous. Either way, I move further away from the Lord. He does not walk away from me. I lose intimacy with my Savior, who has never left or forsaken me.
If I rely on Lord for His strength and guidance, I receive anointing to move in His power—or to wait in His power. I stand with every spiritual muscle within me, ready to spring into action when He says, "Now.” I am an instrument to be shaped by the Holy Spirit instead of molding myself on the potter's wheel.
When I spend time with Him—allowing Him to reveal Himself to me—I know His heart, and that knowledge molds me. No running ahead of Him—no walking behind—He is the power living within me that steers my life. Whether I move forward or wait on Him, it is in His purpose and power. Whatever He asks, I do with all my spirit, mind, and body. Where He leads, I follow. I wait expectantly, or I move without hesitation. I respond as He calls. Running, I do not grow weary. Walking, I do not faint. And I am lifted continually—like on wings of eagles—to bask in the intimacy of His presence. There I am renewed and empowered—again and again.
To know Him as I am known. That is His indescribable gift to me.
© 2019 Lynn Lacher
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