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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Through You

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. 
—Ephesians 3:20 (NLT)

“Now all glory to God, who is able to accomplish more than we might ask or think,” is often quoted. Do you notice the phrase in Ephesians 3:20 that was left out of this quote?  Sometimes this phrase is not included. However, when included, this phrase is powerful for the believer. It is life-changing to know that God, THROUGH HIS MIGHTY POWER AT WORK WITHIN US, is able to accomplish more than we might ask or think. God chooses to bring glory to Himself through us! His mighty work is accomplished through us by faith, and faith is where we soar in His purpose.

To some logical minds, stepping out in faith appears a risk. But to the trusting believer, stepping out in faith is the norm. When you know that God, through His mighty power at work within you can accomplish more than you think or ask, stepping out in faith is not a risk. You believe in what is greater than your reasoning can fathom. You trust beyond human limits because you know God is faithful to finish what He has promised.

You will have fear when you don’t trust that God is with you when you step out in faith. When you don’t believe in His never-ending faithfulness, you will not feel His love. If you live by fear, you will not have freedom in Jesus. You will not experience Him working through your life.

Never allow failure to hold you back or define who you are. Let go of what you consider the security of your safe little world. It is not safe at all. Your life can change in a heartbeat. The only security you have is Jesus, and you don’t know how secure He is until you step out in faith. Do you have hopes and dreams? Hopes and dreams can die if you are not willing to trust God. Most often, they call for stepping out in faith. When you step out into the depths of the unknown in Jesus, you stand firm in His power. 

What appears impossible is not. Through you, God can accomplish more than you think or ask.

Copyright © 2019

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