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Wednesday, November 6, 2019

His Responsibility

Day by day the Lord takes care of the innocent, and they will receive an inheritance that lasts forever.
—Psalm 37:18 (NLT)

Christ paid the ultimate price for my sin. I cannot fathom His agony. I cannot comprehend His loneliness and separation from His Father when He, who had no sin, took mine so I might become righteous before God. Jesus gave all of himself so that I might be free forever of sin’s condemnation. I am forgiven for my past, present, and future. Jesus’ love for me on the Cross was complete. There is nothing more that needs to be done. I am not my own. My debt has been paid. I have been bought with the greatest price the Son of God could pay. In Him, I am blameless and innocent. I am His to love—His to guide—His to fill—His to use. When I grasp what Jesus has actually accomplished for me, I live in the freedom that His love purchased. I know everything is different, and I am new in His grace. 

I have always been taught that because Jesus saved me with the gift of His life that I must prove I love Him by serving and obeying Him. What so many believers fail to realize is that when they accepted Him as their Savior, their lives became His responsibility. Jesus owns my heart and my life. It is His responsibility to supply my needs. It is His responsibility to renew my mind with His. My responsibility is to allow Him to grow me—to mold my mind to His. Just as He died for me, I die to self so that He accomplishes His work in me and through me. Day by day He provides—He heals—He empowers and takes care of my life—the life that He has declared innocent before His Father. Jesus has given me His Father as my own! I am loved. And my inheritance is forever—from the moment I believed throughout eternity.

I am accepted. I am known. I am filled. I am free. He is mine—forever. When I truly believe this—when this truth is more than just words—I rest in peace and joy in the revelation of His grace. I breathe Him. I relax in Him. Jesus takes care of His own.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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