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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Fresh Wonder

Even greater is God’s wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ.
—Romans 5:17 (NLT)

Are you still filled with the freshness of your salvation or have issues from your old life dulled its newness? If you continually transform in your understanding of who you are in Jesus, you will never lose that fresh wonder. If you have lost that amazement, it is never too late for freedom. Jesus has already won it. You just need to experience that the knowledge of His Truth sets you free.

Think about this Truth. You are a new person who has triumphed over sin through the death of one righteous man, God’s only Son. Jesus has given you His wonderful Grace and His gift of righteousness. God sent Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for your sin so that you could be made right with God. You stand holy and blameless before God! You have nothing to fear and nothing to prove. 

Freedom was real for you the moment you believed Jesus died for you. But you do not experience the Truth of His freedom until you allow the Holy Spirit to change your perception of who you are. You no longer live under the lie of your past. You have a new life in Jesus to understand. 

You begin your journey of Grace by accepting the fact you are free from the punishment the law says is your just due. “The law of Moses,” Paul writes, “was unable to save us because of the weakness of our sinful nature. So God did what the law could not do. He sent his own Son in a body like the bodies we sinners have. And in that body God declared an end to sin’s control over us by giving his Son as a sacrifice for our sins (Romans 8:3, NLT).

The law only exposes sin. It can never wash it away. When Jesus died for your sin, God declared an end to sin’s control. You were no longer under the punishment of the law. You were suddenly under the incredible Grace of Jesus. When you allow this Truth to change your perception, you realize you are no longer under punishment. The love of Jesus rescues you. You do not need to perform any penance to be forgiven. Jesus, who had no sin, took yours and gave you His righteousness. That is your state of being. It is absolute Truth that Jesus has earned this gift for you.

Are you sitting there thinking, "oh, this is the same old Gospel message?" This message is never old. It is new and fresh every morning when you allow the Holy Spirit to change your perception. Jesus’ message is LIFE. His life in you forever evolves with the revelation of His Word. When you “get” freedom, you are never the same. The Holy Spirit opens your mind to the clarity of His message. Grace continually changes your perception. You realize that there is nothing you have to do to receive His love. Jesus can do nothing more. His work was finished on the Cross, and you rose with Him in freedom from bondage.

Has the Grace of Jesus revealed to you the absolute Truth that you no longer are under bondage to the debit of sin? If it has, you have given up that heavy burden of punishment you are unable to carry. If His Grace has revealed to you the Truth of His freedom, you consistently experience His peace no matter what you face. You know God has already healed you—He has already won all your battles—He has already fulfilled the work of the Cross. You have peace with God because of Jesus. If you are not experiencing His peace, you have not grown in your knowledge of what Jesus’ gift of Grace means for you.

“Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy” (Ephesians 4:23-24, NLT). Discover the wonder of your new identity. Allow the Holy Spirit to renew your mind with His thoughts and attitudes. Choose to put on the Truth of who Jesus says you are. Put on your new nature in Him. You were created by His gift of Grace to be like Him—without doubt, holy and righteous. 

You are God's child—redeemed by His Grace. You are free of condemnation and no longer need to fear anything. Jesus has provided for all your needs from now until eternity. There is nothing you lack—nothing you need—you are fulfilled by His gift of Grace.

It is my prayer that you continually grow to know who you are in Jesus. When that knowledge molds your understanding, revelation never ends. You forever mature in the realization of His Grace. You experience His precious love where shame is undone, and fresh wonder is yours. You are only aware of Him and His incredible gift of love.

© 2020 Lynn Lacher

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