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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Healing in You

         If you believe that God wants to prosper you with health just as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2), then you believe in healing in your life and others for whom you pray. But in this imperfect world, not everyone receives healing. Many wait years before receiving it. Others pass before they receive healing on earth.


         All those who acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Savior will receive a healed body in heaven. And when we include heaven, everyone is healed. But if God provides healing as part of the atonement (1 Peter 2:24), why doesn’t everyone receive it here on earth?


         Some people answer by saying God doesn’t want them to be healed and that sometimes He even wants them to be ill. If this was the case, why would you even pray for healing? If God wants you sick, then why would you go against God by praying to be healed? 


         Our Abba Father is love. He is light, and there is no darkness in him at all (1 John 1:5). He doesn’t play games. His motives are pure. What He says in His Word is true. But some blame God when they aren’t healed. 


         There is not a definite reason to explain why one person receives healing and another doesn’t. Each person is different. You just can’t stereotype everyone and put them into one mold. However, looking at some things might keep us from attributing sickness to the God who loves us.


         It is wonderful to know our God is love. Yes, He forgives us when we repent. And He doesn’t punish us with illness. When we abuse ourselves, we receive the result of how we have lived. The natural law of cause and effect is in operation. For example, someone who drowns himself in alcohol and drinks uncontrollably can have liver damage. Someone who is addicted to drugs can damage his body. Someone who is sexually promiscuous can get sexually transmitted diseases. Things like bitterness, rebellion, unforgiveness, and pride are things that can harm us and have consequences in our minds and bodies. Does God want us to overcome the results of what sin has caused? Of course, He does. And the Holy Spirit can address the deep wounds sin has left behind that hinder us. But each person is different. There is no cookie-cutter answer. The good news is that God cares and loves us. He will never forsake us or leave us. 


         The natural world we live in is fallen. Not only do our bodies decay as we get older, but every living thing in this world experiences decay. Things happen in life. Accidents occur. Diseases are inherited. These happen not because of any personal sin, but because of the evil that came into the world when Adam and Eve sinned. That original sin gave the enemy license to come against us. He lies in our minds and accuses us. He makes us feel that we are not worthy of God’s forgiveness and love. He wants us to believe that God could never love and forgive us. He certainly wants us to believe that God wants us sick and that He makes us sick. Sickness and death are from the enemy (Hebrews 2:14). But when we don’t know the Word, the enemy takes advantage of our lack of knowledge and plants wrong thinking in our minds. He wars against the truth of God’s Word trying to take root in your heart. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy all that God loves (John 10:10). 


         The Good News is that Jesus, who came to destroy the works of the enemy (1 John 3:8), suffered death and was resurrected from the grave so we might be raised with Him in newness of life (Romans 6:1-4). Sin and sickness are the works of the enemy. You can be sure that if the enemy wants you to be sick and die, God wants you to be well and live. While we don’t understand the reasons some don’t receive healing, we know and believe that healing comes through faith in the gift of Jesus’ life for us. “By His stripes, you were healed,” tells us that healing was given at the greatest cost. We have to trust what God says in His Word and hold on to it. 


         Just because everyone isn’t healed doesn’t mean that healing isn’t God’s will. Jesus wants us to have a relationship with Him—one where the Holy Spirit speaks to us through His Word and where we hear His Truth. Not everyone gets to the place where they personally hear God speaking to them, but He desires for His children to have the revelation from His Word of who He is and what Jesus gave His life for them to have. 


         Your relationship with Jesus opens the door for you to hear from God. Your answer from God is the one for you. It is one of a kind—not someone else’s answer. No one has your answer but God. And your answer is revealed through the Truth of the Word. When you desire above everything to believe the Word, the Holy Spirit will teach you (John 16:13).


         Are you ready to explore His Word for answers to whatever healing you need—whether spiritual, emotional, or physical?  God desires for you to allow His Truth to penetrate your heart for it brings life and healing to everyone who finds it (Proverbs 4:20-22.)


         “Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23, NKJV).


         You are three parts—spirit, soul, and body. And every part of you was redeemed by the precious blood of your Savior.

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