Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
—Hebrews 4:16 (NKJV)
The only way we can come to God is in humility. God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). Humility before God doesn’t demand anything based on what you do or your accomplishments or your worth. Humility is also not begging and groveling for God to answer your prayer. Humility before God is coming to Him in confidence knowing that He gives mercy and grace in your time of need. It is knowing the worth Christ has placed on your life.
When you come boldly to the throne of grace, it doesn’t mean you come instructing God. That is not the surrender that expresses humility. That is pride. When you come boldly to God, you come knowing who you are in Christ. You come knowing your right-standing with God. When you know and believe in your heart the truth of what Jesus has purchased for you, you have confidence in your relationship with Him.
“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him” (1 John 5:14-15, NKJV).
Do you have this confidence? When you believe who you are in Christ, you are at peace in your relationship with God. You walk in the freedom His grace has given you. When you have a need, you come freely to God without fear of reproach or judgment or retribution. You come knowing what the love of Christ has given you. You come knowing your Father loves you and you will receive His mercy and grace to help you. You come with a heart of praise because you believe.
True humility does not promote self. Neither does it degrade self. It only glorifies the Father. When you have confidence in your relationship with God, you don’t need to beg for mercy and grace. You don’t need to beg God to give you anything that He has already provided in the gift of salvation. You don’t need to beg for forgiveness, or healing or your needs to be supplied. Jesus paid the price for all these things long before you were born or wrestled with sin or illness or need.
“But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: ‘God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble’” (James 4:6, NKJV).
You have received the grace of Christ. God pours more grace into the lives of those who have confidence in their relationship with God and walk in true humility (James 4:6). Present your needs to God with confidence knowing Christ has made you worthy to receive the petitions that you have asked of Him.
© 2022 Lynn Lacher
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