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Friday, December 23, 2022

Peace of Mind and Heart

Peace of Mind and Heart



I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

—John 14:17 (NLT)



         At times life is hard. Your problems can stress you until you feel shattered. You crave peace above everything else, but you can’t hide from your life. It is always with you. Some may try to drug their pain or find any diversion that provides an escape. There is no peace of mind and heart in escaping. What those in pain need is someone to encourage them and stay the course with them until they receive the peace of mind and heart Jesus promises. 


         Don’t ever despair. Don’t be troubled or afraid. Jesus has left you a gift—peace of mind and heart. No, your circumstances will never be perfect. This world will never give you peace. But you know that already. You have tried to make things right and failed. You have tried to make yourself perfect and realized the impossibility of that battle. You have strived and struggled until fear has claimed your heart and mind. Jesus waits for you to come to Him and give your circumstances—your despair—your fears to Him.


         You can’t change what has happened—just like you can never change your own heart. Only Jesus can. He loves you with an everlasting love. He has drawn you in loving kindness. He has plans for your life—plans that don’t disappoint but give you hope. The hope He gives never leads to disappointment because He dearly loves you. The world loves you only when you please it. He loves you in your pain—in your fear—in your misery—in your imperfection. He makes right what you don’t have the strength to make right. Escape is never your answer. Believing in Christ and what He promises you is your answer.


         Without hope, faith has no life. Allow yourself to hope. Faith gives substance to what you hope for. It is evidence of what you can’t see. Don’t despair. Don’t be troubled and afraid. Don’t give up. Learn the truth of who Jesus says you are. Learn your right standing in Him. Your Father supplies all your needs.  His arms are always open. He loves you. He has peace of mind and heart for you.


            Open your mind and heart to receive.



©2022 Lynn Lacher



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