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Thursday, May 25, 2023

The Author of Your Faith


Blessed is the man who endures temptation, for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. So be subject to God. Resist the devil [stand firm against him], and he will flee from you.


—James 1:13, 4:7 (NKJV, AMP)



James 1:12 speaks about temptation and the benefits of enduring through them. Some believers interpret this verse to say that God gives temptation and trials to bring us to redemption. However, James 1:13 makes it clear that God is not the author of the things that tempt us to turn from God. God is love. He is the author of everything that is good. Satan is the author of everything evil. Satan tempts us with sin and trials to make choices to destroy us. 


Temptation and trials will always come, and there is a great benefit to be derived from enduring them in a godly way. But they do not come from God. Thinking that God sends evil to build our faith will tempt us to submit to them rather than resist them (James 4:7). Yes, we can benefit from trials that come against us (James 1:2-3), but God, our loving Abba Father, is not the author of them. 


“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,” James wrote, “knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience” (James 1:2-3). 


This verse clearly reveals that we are to rejoice in our trials. However, this verse is often misinterpreted to say that God is the author of our trials. James 1:13-14 reveals differently. God never tempts us, and He never leaves us. He is faithful to carry us through our temptations and trials. So we can rejoice in the midst of our trials believing that God will bring us safely through. Our belief in His inherent goodness helps us to stand. And in our standing, the good work of patience develops in us. 


The testing of our faith by temptation and trials produces patience in us. This is essentially the same thing Paul said in Romans 5:3. But now look at the following verse, Romans 5:4. It states that patience comes from the Word. Does patience come from our trials or from the Word?

Patience is faith that endures over a long time, and faith comes from the Word (Romans 10:17, 5:4). But patience has to develop and mature. A person who goes to school learns a trade, but he develops the skills he has learned as he uses them on the job. Likewise, we get our faith and patience from the Word, but they develop in us as we encounter trials in life. 

Many Christians who believe their Abba Father sends trials into their lives to perfect them, actually end up accepting their trials instead of fighting against them. Trials tempt us to turn against God, but when we praise God IN whatever our temptation or trial, we choose His faithfulness over the evil that comes against us. We lean on Him and develop patience as a result. 

However, it is crucial that we keep clear who is the author of our temptation and trials (John 10:10a) and who is the author of our blessings (John 10:10b). God doesn’t tempt us (James 1:13). We choose to submit to God and resist the enemy (James 4:7).

God, who is the author of your faith, will faithfully complete your faith (Hebrews 12:2). 


© 2023 Lynn Lacher





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