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Monday, September 18, 2023

In the Quietness


Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!

—Psalm 46:10



God’s power is obvious if we have the hearts to perceive it. This verse instructs us how to obtain a heart to perceive God’s work in our lives. We have to be still and listen to Him. 

The greatness of God requires us to be still. To know God’s greatness and to perceive His work we must be still. The busyness of life can keep us from that knowledge. Being still is not just withdrawing from our busy lives. It is meditating and reflecting on God’s goodness. We must calm ourselves. We must calm our minds. We must calm our fears. We must be still and know He is God. He will keep us in perfect peace when we keep our thoughts on Him (Isaiah 26:3). A hectic life keeps us from really knowing God and His peace. 

Have you ever just quit everything and perceived the beauty of God’s creation around you? You will notice things that you will not normally see. You may see the fir trees bending in the wind—hear water falling over rocks and a turkey calling—take in the quietness of a deer grazing and a bird taking flight—feel the mist beading on your skin and watch your breath rising in the air. God calls you to be still and know He is God. He wants you to perceive and know Him. 

God is first in our lives. He is always working, but we can become so busy we miss what He is doing. Being still makes us more aware of His truth revealing His promises in our lives. God is always being exalted throughout the world—He is always working—He is always providing—He is always revealing Himself, but we can miss Him if we are too busy with the affairs of this life. 

Stop. Don’t hurry to work and to do. Don’t rush to prove yourself to God. Be still and quiet. Allow God to prove and reveal Himself to you. Calm your thoughts and know He is God. In the quietness, He exalts Himself. In the quietness, you worship and exalt Him.  


© 2023 Lynn Lacher


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