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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

In Your Grace


But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.

—John 4:14 (NKJV)


Why should I thirst when He has given His life for me?  He is my living water—an overflowing well of abundant life. He is living water springing up within me into everlasting life!  I drink of the life He has given me, and I thirst no more for the old that once claimed my heart. My thirst has been satisfied in His Grace. His Grace is sufficient for all I lack. I am satiated with Him. I am no longer full of me. I am filled with His unreserved love that holds nothing I have done or nothing I might do against me. I have no need or room for anything but Him. I desire no sin. He alone is my desire. I have no hindrance. I know no condemnation in His love. I am known. I am loved. He, who had no sin, became my sin so I might be reborn as the new creation He died for me to be. 


I have His righteousness. I have none of my own. I have His heart. Mine lacks in every way. But miracle of all miracles, as He is in this world, so He has made me. I have His life. His Grace, which my mind says is too good to be true, has ransomed me. My heart declares it true. He saw promise in me I could never see in myself, and He died to bring His promise to life in me.




Holy Spirit, lead me to know the unending depths of your Grace—your healing forgiveness—your love that took my judgment. Teach me the promises you see brimming in me! Guide me! Fill me unceasingly! Spring up! Spill out of me! Use me in every moment! I desire only your eyes to see, your ears to hear, and your heart to understand. 


Behold, you have done a new thing in me. You have made a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert to give drink to me. From the womb, you have called me. I drink of your life—your living water. I am yours—your child, your chosen, this new person you have formed to declare your praise.


Oh, dear Jesus, I pray all your children would know what is theirs in your Grace!   


© 2023 Lynn Lacher





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