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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Great Peace


Great peace have those who love your law; nothing can make them stumble.

—Psalm 119:165



The peace that we have is directly related to our love for God’s Word. Isaiah 26:3 reads, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” God’s Word is vital in keeping our minds fixed on God and, consequently, it is essential for having peace. Peace is the result of meditating on the things of the Lord (2 Peter 1:2-4).


What does Psalm 119:165 say to you? It tells me that when I love God’s Word, I have His great peace—His perfect peace. His Word is the perfect standard that keeps me from stumbling. 


Those who love God and love His Word are blessed with God’s great peace. God’s peace promises direction. It keeps us steadfast and committed. When we have God’s peace, we follow His truth. We don’t follow our emotions or what is seen and felt in the natural. When we trust our Father, our thoughts are fixed on Him. We trust in the unseen truth revealed in His Word. 


Peace also makes it easier for us to release people into the Lord’s care. We have loved ones who don’t know God or have turned away. Sometimes, we feel it is our responsibility to do everything in our power to get them to make the right decision. It is our responsibility to share God’s truth in love. But the Holy Spirit is responsible for the work in their hearts. Not us. When we trust our Father, we have His perfect peace. He can touch their hearts better than we can.


Being fully convinced of God’s love should create in us an insatiable hunger for His Word. God always has more to show us.  He will reveal Himself and allow us to discover the truths and blessings of His grace. God has great peace for us, and His Word will direct us to His will. His Word is His standard. Following His standard upholds us. Keeping His Word in front of us becomes our lifestyle. Our minds gradually transform to God’s will—to His perspective and to His standard. When we allow ourselves to have an intimate relationship with the Word—when we love it and pursue it as our vital need, we receive God’s great peace.


If you see yourself as a person who vacillates between positive and negative emotions to circumstances, please know that God is for you. He chose you. He loves you. You are not cast off because your life has been a roller coaster ride of emotional bondage. God’s love and acceptance have never been about you but what Christ did for you. He wishes for you to experience His great peace.


“Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You,” (Psalm 119:11). When you put God’s Word in your heart and protect it—when you keep it from being stolen away (Mark 4:15), His Word will keep you from sin. 


The grace of Jesus gave you peace with God. Having great peace is God’s promise to you. The Word is your life. The Word is your perfect peace. The Word—powerfully alive in you—is His great peace that keeps you from stumbling. 


“The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:7).



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