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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

A Root of Bitterness


Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.

—Hebrews 12:15



When a person becomes hurt, slighted, or insulted, they feel offended. If they do not deal with that offense correctly, it will eventually turn into a root of bitterness. This is what Hebrews 12:15 reveals when it says not to let any root of bitterness spring up in you.


The word “root” in Hebrews 12:15 is the Greek word “ridzo.” This refers to a root like that of a tree firmly entrenched in the ground. If we don’t repent of bitterness and remove it from our lives, it will become firmly entrenched in us. A negative attitude toward the person who has offended you will become firmly fixed when this happens. Over time, that root of bitterness will become so strong inside you that your judgmental opinion of this person begins to make sense. 


When a root of bitterness becomes so deeply and firmly entrenched in your mind and emotions that it becomes a mental stronghold, it consumes your waking and sleeping hours and everyday moments. You judge every word and action negatively. From a place of arrogance, you design logical excuses as to why you should have nothing to do with that person. 


The word “bitterness” comes from the Greek word “pikria.” This word refers to a vicious inward attitude so deeply ingrained that it affects your outward appearance and mood. This stronghold of bitterness cannot be hidden. Ultimately, this deep bitterness will surface. When it does, its “fruit” is unkind, sharp, sarcastic, scornful, pessimistic, taunting, derisive, and hurtful. You have allowed this evil spirit of offense to consume you.


If you constantly say negative things about someone who has hurt you, a root of bitterness may be trying to grow inside your heart. It is imperative that you repent and rip out those ugly roots trying to bury themselves deeply within your soul. If you don’t, the bitterness will eventually go down so deep that it will destroy you.


If the Holy Spirit has been trying to help you deal with your negative attitude toward someone, pay attention to what He is saying. Get on your face before God. Admit your negative thoughts about this person. Ask God to extract that ugly root that is trying to grow inside of you. He wants to set you free, but you have to invite Him.




Dear Jesus, I don’t want any bitterness to take root in me. Reveal any unforgiveness that is trying to take over my life. Show me any resentment that is trying to grow. I don’t want my life consumed by judgmental and negative thoughts over which I have no control. Show me if I have a root of bitterness. I want to deal with it. I want you to take it. I don’t want to hang on to it. I want that root to die. It is death, and it is killing my heart. I long to be free. Holy Spirit, help me to rip this out of my soul. I’m tired. I repent, and I turn from it. You are just waiting to heal my heart. You are just waiting to minister love, life, and healing. So I give this to you. I know this bitterness may be so deeply ingrained; it may be a process. I am determined to allow your work in me, Holy Spirit. I will not hinder you but will do all that is required of me. Today, I begin my life of freedom in you. 


In Jesus’ name,



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