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Saturday, September 28, 2013


“The joy of the Lord is your strength” (Nehemiah 8:10b, NIV).

Love the life He gives. Although it is hard at times, it is a life that is filled with the strength of His joy. Fill your life with His joy at every moment. Take it in as you face the things that claim your day. Breathe in His joy until it washes away all that dispels His peace. 

Lift your face to the sun and breathe His presence into every part of your being. Hear Him in the chirping of morning birds and gentle sounds of insects. See Him in the breeze that clips through the branches of the trees. In the quiet of your moments take all of Him into your tired heart. The beauty of the gift of His creation brings healing to your spirit, and His joy to your heart.

Live a heart-closeness with Him. Healing of body, mind, and spirit comes from the joy and strength He has placed within your heart. Seek Him and His joy will bring the strength that is needed in every moment. You will have His strength to rebuke all that comes against His peace in your life. You will spiritually know, beyond any mental ability to understand, that His joy is truly your strength.

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