is the day which the Lord hath made; and we will rejoice and be glad in it"
(Psalm 118:24).
“Another day another dollar” is an old saying which,
if said in a discouraging way, speaks of the futile repetition of each day. Does
life feel like futile repetition to you? Does the thought of a new day bring
discouragement to your heart?
Each new day is not meant to discourage, but
to inspire and lift you above what has brought despair and clouded your mind. A
new day is God's gift to you. He offers you a new perspective and hope. Don't
ever forget that Christ gave His life so you might know freedom from your day's
pain and agony. Whatever you face His sacrificial love and power overcome
discouragement and despair. Whatever the world tells you is only what the world
tells you. It is not what God knows and tries to impart to your mind and heart.
Rise in each new day, and rejoice in His gift
of another opportunity. Pray. Read His Word. Seek His presence. Lay your heart
before Him completely exposed and with nothing held back. Be honest about your
feelings and fear of what the day might bring. Trust Him. This day can be the
best when you allow Him to carry you through it. Daily things accomplished in
His strength are able to give you greater faith in His promises.
Let “another day another hope” be your
perspective on this new day. Expect His presence. Expect His help in His Word.
Expect His peace which comes as you give Him your heart's struggle. Open your
heart and mind and discover His expectancy. It is His new day, and it will bring
all the joy that He promises.
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