“God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. Therefore, anyone who rejects this instruction does not reject a human being but God, the very God who gives you his Holy Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 4:7-8, NLT).
How often in our Christian walk does God need to jerk us up like an disturbed parent, and tell us to behave? Sometimes we get so self-satisfied with where we are–with what we do–with where we lead–with how we instruct, we lose our humble teachable spirit. We become hardened to the Holy Spirit without even realizing it. He calls us to live a pure life. A pure life not only honors Him outwardly. It is a life that honors Him inwardly with a teachable spirit that yearns to follow Him. He reaches out with correction and guidance, but we often miss Him because we are so wrapped up in self.
“What you do speaks louder than what you say,” He speaks to me, and maybe to you. “Sometimes you say one thing and do another. You instruct another in my ways, but then do the very thing you said another shouldn't do. My Word calls for honesty and integrity in all areas of your life. When your witness does not support what you say, then you make my sacrifice worthless. It breaks my heart just as my body was broken for you. Don't rationalize your actions until you no longer hear my leading. Don't become so self-satisfied with where you are in your walk with me that you miss my heart. Don't miss the very best for your life. Give up the past that has defined you. Give up your “my way is the only way” attitude. Don't get to the place where you have made so many excuses that you no longer feel my conviction. I want you to see that you have areas of your life that need my Hand to mold. Never be casual about me. I am not casual. I am life, and I wait for you to allow me to mold you. You cannot correct or rebuke or encourage another with patience and careful instruction if what you say is not realized in your own life. Have a heart like David. Cry out for me to always keep you pure of heart. Live your life filled with my love and my Word, and allow that Word to accomplish every day what it was sent to accomplish-new life in me. I love you child, and I long for you to know my heart completely.”
Isn't this necessary instruction for all of us? God calls us to stay open and pliable in His Hand. The moment we choose our own way and follow our own direction, is the moment when we, like David, go astray. It is the moment the Holy Spirit is silenced. The moment that I believe I understand all the incredible depths of my Lord is the moment I no longer grow spiritually. The moment that He becomes casual to me is the moment that I have placed other things before Him. The moment that my life does not support what I say is the moment I speak death instead of life. The moment I believe I have arrived is the moment that I have failed.
Today I give Him my life again. I lay all on His altar.
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