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Monday, October 12, 2015

My Light to Guide

“Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105, NKJV).

When His Word guides and empowers my life, there is no problem or circumstance or difficulty that has the power to destroy my faith in Him. His Word gives direction to handle each circumstance that arises, but for the light of His presence to guide me safely through each moment of life, I surrender all of my will to His. I surrender not just some of my will, but all of it. If I try to handle whatever I face alone without His guidance, I will ultimately fail in my attempt. If I allow Him to direct each decision that I make and each step that comes, I will follow His lead safely and securely into a future that He alone knows.

Circumstances may lie ahead that I would never be able to handle in my present moment. If I trust Him, then I have peace in the present, and peace in His promise to take care of my future. As He accompanies me along my path, His light reveals only a few steps. The path, as it twists ahead, is unclear and shadowed. It is darkened because the light of His presence lights my way now. When I reach another bend in the path, He will light my way then. I need not worry at what might come. As today passes into tomorrow, He will walk with me. The same light which guided me–the same power–the same peace will continue to guide my way.

Today's path starts to dawn, and I anticipate what the next hour will bring. However life has a way of changing everything. The path may unexpectedly bend, and I must surrender to its lesson knowing the light of His Word will reveal and sustain and guide and empower. The path of life always changes, but His strength and support and power are constant. He never changes. I will trust Him for my moments now, and those that are around the next bend. I have committed my life, and I will follow His will steadfastly through this life into the next.

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