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Monday, November 2, 2015

Call To Him

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3, NIV).

This verse is an incredible promise of God, but it is more than that. It is an absolute truth in God's constant and abiding Word. If you call to Him, He will answer. You do not ask a void for an answer. You ask the omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient God. You ask the Creator of the universe. You ask your loving God who knows you better than you know yourself. You ask your Father for His time, and He gives it willingly and unsparingly because you are precious to Him. You ask the Lord who is everywhere at the same time, and yet He is there for you. You ask an all-powerful God who is there for all who believe. He brings the same power to your need that He used to raise Jesus from the dead (Ephesians 1:19). There is no other name that you need, but that of Jesus Christ.

He answers you with great and “unsearchable things” which you do not know. “Ask me,” He implores, “and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come” (Jeremiah 33:3, NLT). “Unsearchable things” or “remarkable secrets”! Both imply things to come which are so great that you will be amazed and astounded at what He imparts. Some things you will receive and spiritually understand immediately because your spiritual growth has prepared you for their message. Others you may not understand immediately after He imparts them to you, but you believe because He is your God. You don't question. He only imparts truth. You believe them by faith, and you trust by faith. Because you love Him deeply and intimately as He has loved you, you have trust in that which He has revealed to you. There is peace in either understanding or not understanding. You know that He knows best so there is no struggle against His will. There is acceptance and rejoicing. His purpose is to give you a rich and satisfying life, so you receive completely and trustingly from His unending bounty (John 10:10).

Pray to Him. Cry out to Him, and He will answer you. It is when you want all of Him, and have given up all of yourself, that the unsearchable things He imparts, fall behind the joy of His intimate presence in your life. The “unsearchable things” and “remarkable secrets” can inspire you to greater heights, but but it is the intimacy of His moment-by-moment presence that is beyond anything else. Walk with Him. Seek Him. Call to Him and receive all He wishes to impart. Bask in the wonder of His presence and His unspeakable joy and peace.

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