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Thursday, December 7, 2017


Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. —Proverbs 16:3, NIV

As much as I want to be perfect in what I do, Lord, I can’t. Sometimes it seems the more I try, the more I fail. When I believe I have discovered all my mistakes, then I find more. I keep striving—trying to live up to a perfection that I can’t obtain. And then after trying to get it right, I find I have failed in my attempt again.

I don’t own any failure. It belongs to you. Everything I am belongs to you so my failure also belongs to you. I can’t keep that failure festering and hurting inside my heart until every sense of worth is destroyed. The “what ifs” I ask myself will only bind me to that failure. Being consumed with that failure only places my failure on a pedestal instead of placing it on your altar. It is my choice to make that failure an offering so that I can learn from it and not dwell on it. You understand where my failure began, and you alone can make it right. You always teach a lesson that will keep me from another failure. Seeking your will in every decision I make—committing that decision to you— Lord, you will establish the work of my hands. You will teach me a lesson that grows your purpose in my life and empowers that lesson with your anointing.

I will move forward trusting you. I rejoice in your promise of renewal. Praising you that I don’t own my failure, I discover that your plan is greater than any failure that I might make. Stepping forward from doubt caused by failure, and moving forward in faith, I shall find your peace. I commit to you all of me—the good and the less than perfect—the things that haven’t come together right, and I make my life an offering. You will make all right as you wish. 

Copyright 2017 Lynn Lacher

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