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Monday, March 4, 2019


If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.
—James 1:5-8 (NIV)

What you believe forms your thoughts, your attitudes, and directs your actions. Faith in Jesus Christ is a life-changing powerful belief. Knowing who you are in Christ is a belief that reveals God’s truth for your life. Understanding the exchange of His righteousness for your sin is crucial to living a life filled with wisdom and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Being single-minded and focused on the gift of new life that Jesus has imparted to you, keeps you from dwelling on things that cause doubt. When you "get it" in your mind that your old life is gone, you have a revelation of what God's grace has accomplished for you. Worry over the past dissipates. Concern over failing God in the present and future also falls by the wayside. You know you are accepted and loved. You understand that there is nothing to do that wins His love for you. He has already loved you more than life itself.  

If you have received the righteousness of Jesus by faith, you are spiritually born again into His new nature. You don’t have two natures. The old nature was crucified on Calvary. Two minds are of two natures. You have either the mind of Christ (which perceives the supernatural truth of God), or you have a mind that is controlled by the flesh (which perceives what you feel, hear, touch and see). As the verse in James clearly states, you can’t have two minds. You will be unstable in all your ways. How can you receive wisdom from the Lord if two minds are battling within you? You can’t. You are tossed in different directions unable to be grounded in Jesus’ truth. Doubt and unbelief claim your thoughts. The enemy torments you with remembrances of the past and fears of the future. The belief in your new life in Jesus falters, and a cycle of two minds battling for control keeps you in a limbo of pain and fear.

Surrendering to the Holy Spirit’s transforming power is the only way to have a revealed knowledge of your new nature in Jesus Christ, and to crucify the mind of the flesh that doubts. The natural mind that says you have never been good enough to be loved by God surrenders to the spiritual mind that says there is nothing you have to do to win God's love. God sent His son to pay the price, and give you the freedom to approach His throne boldly. God always looks upon you with love—never with judgment or scorn. God sent His Son to love you—not condemn you—so that His righteousness could save you.

When you understand in your mind that your old nature no longer rules you—that Jesus has given you His nature—that you are the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ—you will be of one mind—the mind of Christ. No longer double-minded and unstable in your ways, you will walk in peace. Your thoughts will be grounded in His truth. Each day you will be convicted by His gift of righteousness. You will remain safe in the revelation of His grace. Wisdom will flow spirit to spirit. Joy will be incredible and full of His glory. His love will gush from your life like rivers of living water. Without finding any fault, God has given you all of Himself through His Son. The moment you BELIEVE you have received the mind of Christ is the moment you will know you are free—free to see with His eyes, hear with His ears, and understand with His precious mind. You will believe who He says you are.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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