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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Broken for Joy

“Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy” (Psalm 126:5, NLT).

How often have I looked at this verse about my prayers being just for others?  Yes, God promises that those prayers I cry for others will one day bring the promise of joy. It is also His promise to me. When I get to the point where I allow the Holy Spirit total access to my mind is the moment He can change the way I think and perceive life. Tears released in surrender can bring the joy of freedom from whatever lies have controlled my life. Jesus lives in my born-again spirit and wishes to control my thoughts and actions. Only the Holy Spirit knows where to take me on this journey of spiritual honesty—if I will allow.

Do I allow the Holy Spirit access to my mind? No mask I hold in place keeps Him from knowing me. Surrender is not about what He already knows, but what I truthfully allow Him access to change. I can quickly stop His ability to transform my mind by holding on tightly to lies of the enemy. Grudges halt His presence. Bad attitudes put up walls. Unforgiveness sparks anger at Him. Do I have a bad attitude that I haven’t released to Him? Do I hold a grudge that inhibits the flow of His love in my life? What holds back my surrender to His love? Permitting the Holy Spirit to grow me spiritually takes surrender. He calls me to live the righteousness He imparted at my salvation—not as an outward appearance for others to see, but from the changed heart that I received from Him. To have this most profound intimacy with Him means that I allow Him privilege to every part of me.

If I want to have and keep the intimate heart fellowship of His presence, each day I will allow Him to reveal my thoughts and attitudes. I may not like everything I hear, but it is in my surrender to the Holy Spirit that His grace transforms me. Brokenness by the Holy Spirit is not punishment. It is gentleness of the sweetest kind—His loving conviction of righteousness. What I plant in tears of surrender, brings forth a harvest of joy that is more than I can imagine.

“Give me back my joy again; you have broken me—now let me rejoice,” David prayed. There is no greater joy than allowing the Holy Spirit to break and mold my life gracefully. His brokenness for me on Calvary bought my freedom. In Jesus, I am healed. I am whole. I am free. Lord Jesus, help me to realize being broken and changed is not punishment. It is a joy that will last.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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