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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Give Thanks

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever. 
—Psalm 136:1 (NLT)

The love of God never ends. It faithfully endures forever. He doesn't withdraw it. He wouldn't, and He can't. His unconditional love, secured for you on Calvary, is infinite. If you feel alone, you aren’t. He is with you in your valley. If you wish to perceive His goodness in whatever situation you face, then give Him thanks. Thank Him for the answer you can’t see. Thank Him for the provision you don’t possess. Thank Him for His faithfulness when your valley screams otherwise. Praising Him in your valley secures greater faith to believe in the promise He imparted on the mountain. 

God doesn’t grade your performance. Just because your life isn't going great right now doesn't mean He doesn't love you. Praising Him in spite of your circumstances reveals your trust in His grace. Praise doesn't change God. But praise, just like prayer, changes you. Praising Him in your valley bestows a greater appreciation for the promise you heard on the mountain. It gives you strength to believe—to endure—to walk by faith.

Praise, in your most challenging situation, instills greater faith and inspires hope. So praise Him! Believe Him. Believe His faithful love endures forever!  And the problem you face, although a burden to the natural mind, won’t be perceived as one. Out of what you lack will flow His rivers of constant supply. You will know overwhelming joy when His promise rises to defeat the lie of your valley.

© 2019 Lynn Lacher

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